Monday, January 5, 2009

Kansas' Number 1 Blog

I swear, I have the greatest blog in my city, and thus my state. I wanna have the greatest blog evar. But as far as ridicilous blogs go, I fucking win. I mean where else can you go to get random tagnents about rappers, as well as blogs about chocolate cake? I mean I wanna go back to the days of raw controversy, the shit that made my myspace blog so hot in the skreets. But unfortunately, I am no longer the angry teenager I once was. I matured into the depressed adult you see now. I wish I had the motivation to do better things in life. For I feel a radio show, or tv show, pretty much anything that can be used as a soapbox, would be fucking perfect for me. But I dont have the motivation to do anything but drink and play smackdown vs raw 2009.Which is by far the best and worst Smackdown ever. Way better than 08, for Ive been in the company for like a year (in the game) and have every title. In 08, Ive been in the company for a year and still have a rating of 37 with no title shot, and a ridiclous fued with ECW.

Anyways, if theres some sort of award to be won for blogging in Wichita, I win.

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