All I hear bout Obama is that he'll bring change. What change? What will he do for the black community??? NOT A GOD DAMN THANG!!! The problems that strike blacks have been around for decades, and I dont these n-words will change just we got a Negro President. Say you want the fly car the clothes and not have to worry bout bills, so you decide selling crack. Is Obama going to give every nigga in the hood an SL Benz?? Is he going to have trucks drive through 9th and Grove and just toss out boxes of Rocawear? Will Obama make you not fuck that bitch without a condom, which makes you now a father, which makes you abandon ya kid cuz you'd rather be fucking Loose Lucy and Sleazy Sally instead of taking care of the mother of your child as well as your seed? The answer to all that is NO!!! And I know Obama isnt going to just cut niggas sentences and open up the prisons nor will the crips and bloods just give up. So seriously, black people what the fuck is Obama gon do for us, when we as a people already know what to do but just wont do it. Now, I know most those dbags with Obama 08 t-shirts havent even paid attention to this nigga at all. Ive known bout dude since the 04 Democratic Convention, cuz Im into politics like that. And my first thought was "When did they let niggas into politics?" This guy was on the state of Illinois Legistature from 97-04, then he became a Senator in 05, then in 06 decided he was gon try and be president. Now, kids, I know you dont follow politics like myself, but most Presidents got more political experience than that. Our last couple Presidents were Governors, they knew how to atleast run a state. Which is like ya typical structure of say a McDonalds. Before you become manager, youll be a shift manager. Shit you gotta prove you can at least handle the 5 dbags you got on the clock for that dinner rush, before you can even mention running the whole joint. And Senate is not a presidencacy. No one Senator makes a single decision, a majority of Senators gotta agree on something before it happens. So this guy has never been a leader, just part of a team. Im sorry, I just dont trust his experience, Ill trust it in say 2016, when he gets some more time under his belt.
John McCain though, fuck that guy, real talk. I actually have a real personal beef with the guy. In 9th grade, when I was in JROTC (before we talk shit, my dad may me do that on top of football, both sucked pretty bad), we had a stupid Veterans Day thing at the VFW and we had to write what the Pledge Of Alligence meant to us, at the time I was still mad bout the instutionalized racism and Mr. Bush that I wrote that it didnt mean anything to me, and also cited the Vietnam War (which to this day I hold as the biggest waste of American troops, money, and time ever in history) as a reason. He shook all our hand. I didnt read mine, because you know it was too shocking for the old ass cracka ass crackas that were in attendence. But my bitch ass JROTC instructor told him bout it. HE got to me and said "Guesby?", "Yes sir" I replied, "You dont deserve to be American, people like you disgust me" he said. Really, McCrazy? Thats what you say to confused 15 year olds? Nigga, you sold out American secrets to get away from ya POW camp you punk bitch. Sure, Id fuck his wife and daughter, but vote this dbag, I certainly will not. I mean every year since 9/11 we've (as in service members) have gotten a raise, so as long as we're in Iraq, Ill get more money. But at the same time, I have yet to go to Iraq myself, and personally I dont wanna go at all. But if I got to I will, and rep that USA set to the fullest. But this dude wants us to like move into Iraq and shit. Kinda like how we just blew up Japan and Germany and then said "Hey is it cool if we put up some Army posts here? Ok cool, we're going to bring Burger King and Starbucks in as well". The fuck? Iraq is hot as fuck every year all year, at least Japan and Germany changes in climate. Plus there aint groups of Germans n Japaneese who just want to kill us. Like in Iraq, theres just a bunch of crazies tryna murk us. And now Russia and Georgia got beef, and Russia wants us involved. And Im more that 150% sure if McCain gets elected we'll be in Russia, freezing our asses off. So on top of desert training Ill need cold weather training. All training that could be avoided if we minded our god damn business.
All in all, I feel like its 2004 again. I mean Bush had this whole Iraq deal going on, but Kerry was fucking terrible. So it was either Kerry, who could fuck us into oblivion or Bush, who had already fucked us pretty hard. Plus, Obama will get killed anyways.
I LOVED this post, by the way. I fucks with Obama but your 100% right. I actually was rooting for Hilary to win the nod because she has a lot more political exprience but keep that on the low. LOL
woooooow, i cant believe the shit i jus read. im not a huge political fan but gotdamn son, let a nigga run a country for once, thats all im sayin. i mean, think about it, old ass white niggas runnin our country for the past 20 yrs. aint been workin out too good. so what if a real nigga like obama ran it?? fuck this post, i fucks wit obama (and not just because hes colored)!!!
Or course Kortez was going to back the black man. Racist ass nigga.
Normally Your posts are entertaining...but this one, just the part about Obama is why we as a black community have so many problems. 95% of what was just said was nigga talk.
Your always going to have bills, thats a fact...he never said he would change that. SL Benz for everyone? Boxes Of Rocawear? Making you wear a condom while fucking? Cut nigga's sentences and have gangs stop fighting? OF COURSE THE ANSWER IS NO. That's some stupid un-needed shit, except for the gang fights and condoms. I'm sure nigga's without a car don't car if its a benz or a 93 pontiac grand prix. As long as they got a car. Obama never said any of that dumb ish. The fucking with a a rub and gang violence is a community problem and those with a problem need to step up and create change on a community level. His primary stance is that change begins with us, and together we can change the country. Meaning someone like you who has a problem with the way things are done would do something about it and more people would start doing something about it and eventually something would change (i.e.: civil rights movement) that movement wasn't Martin Luther King, he was just one of the major players, that movement was the people that came out and got beat, sprayed, and mauled. By the way, what experience did Martin Luther King have when he became the "Civil Rights Leader" in the south. By all accounts I read he was fresh out of Divinity school..preaching...had a few good qualities...he could speak very well..he was led by God...and he just kind of jumped in it. Now I am not comparing Obama to King...Obama will never be King...but you can see the camparison.
One true statement, we know what we should do but just won't do it, but even then most of "us" don't. It's probably 65/35 on that tip. with 65% not knowing what we should do.
now that shit about McCain was fucked up, and he should have taken the time to explain himself and not say what he said. he is a asshole, and wouldn't get my vote anyway. Even though he can be a funny old man sometimes.
- S.Fly
I do agree with Sup in that Obama represents change, and that's a great thing. I just hate the bandwagon approach that is coming along with it.
I feel that people have to put their fate in THEIR hands. Not trust ANY politician to go out and make change for them.
I talk to people and they act like Obama is going to come out and save us from all the worlds ill's which is just not true. People forget that we run off of a democracy, a system of checks and balances. Before anything passes it must be approved by a lot more people than just the president. Just the other day someone was telling me about how George Bush needs to quit raising gas prices. To me it seems as if no one was paying attention in economics class.
In fact I would venture to guess that a lot of these people that support Obama will be the first ones to call him a sell out, if he doesn't come out the gate with flying colors. People don't realize the inner workings of an economy, and they don't understand that its going to take YEARS to recover from what the Bush administration has done.
To me all the hype is doing is setting up an unrealistic expectation for my dude Barrack.
Like I said, that's my candidate, but not my (or anyone's) savior.
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