Now, in 2001 the Mighty Mos Def let us know on "The Rapeover" that some Tall Israeli is running this rap shit. And at first I was like "Yo Mighty Mos, Stay Off The Mighty Rocks", but then I remember my idol,as far as taking over the game, Lyor Cohen is responsible for Def Jam's rise to fame after Rick Rubin decided taking acid and heavy metal was way more important than running a rap label. Lyor is also the guy that signed Roc-A-Fella and Murder Inc those ridicilous deals to Def Jam in the 90's. And Jimmy Iovine, albeit not so tall, but still an Israeli, signed Death Row to Interscope, and then Aftermath to Interscope, then Em and 50 to Interscope. You see where Im going??? All phenoms have a TI behind them feeding them money. Wichita, KS who is our TI???
I believe the company that owns Power 939 is owned by Texans, not so much Israelis. Now, my jewish/hebrew/israeli community. Dont get it wrong, I am not hating on ya. L'chiem. Im just saying, music biz is ran by Tall Israelis, just like Popeyes is ran by crackass crackas, and the Northside is ran by niggas.
I know my dude Mr ICT, Kaewun gots some money behind him, but I dont know if its that old long Israeli monet. And I know X to the Vizzy is self made, by peddlin beats and dope rhymes and the likes.
Fuck the myspace, fuck the mixtapes, fuck the shows, fuck the fans. If you really tryna get on in the game, find a TI and convince them to give you money. Surely youll be a phenom. I mean last year Jay-Z made 262 million, off what you may ask? No one really knows. American Gangster didnt do too well, it didnt do great, but it wasnt a flop. And its pretty common knowledge that Jay-Z takes any amount of money that any TI ever throws him for anything.
Thats my plan for Illprint, in fact I have a TI right now thats been a friend of my mine for years, and right now he's going to Columbia University, majoring in something concerning finaces. HE plans to start some sort of company, and guess who will be there. THIS GUY. So to my boy Joesph, next summer, after Graduation, its on. And tell Poppa Joe Mike said WHAT UP!!!!
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