But Kortez just straight lied to me. I asked him if The Game does alot of name dropping on this like he's known to do. What does Mr. Byrd say? That The Game had significantly cut back on the name dropping. And the first song I hear is the "LAX Files". WHAT THE FUCK KORTEZ!!! This muthafucka name drops on the hook and every other bar. How fucking wack. "Game's Pain" alone prolly sets the world record on name dropping. I mean damn the nigga couldnt name drop GZA-style, I mean on "Fame" using names of celebrities as punch lines was fucking bananas ill.
All The Game does is name-drop and have a bunch of features, its evident he cant make songs by himself for any reason. And I forgot what song it was cuz it was playing in the background as I was dwing (aka doing work) on Matt Hardy as Kane on my Smackdown Vs Raw 2008. But again the song is about Compton and has Compton mentioned 3 times in the hook. Jayceon Taylor check this out whoadie (yeah, I took it back to N'awlins, nooch) FUCK COMPTON!!! I dont say that to be rude. Cuz I love Compton, but Im just saying back when Compton was unknown and people like Eazy-E and NWA were puttin it on it was acceptable. Hell it was even acceptable during the days of the Death Row Dynasty. But nigga youre on your third album. All you talk bout is other rappers and Compton. Show some growth, bitch. On "Wouldnt Get Far" from Doctors Advocate aka I Miss Dre, the name dropping was ill because it was a song bout video bitches and bitch ass gold diggers and dirty ass hoo-ers (or whores for others). But nigga, I swear to god say another rappers name and I will kill you myself. Mark my words.
L.A.X. = Worst.....Album....Evar!!!
P.S. - Im pretty sure Kortez wants to have sex with The Game
P.P.S. - Im pretty sure Kortez is only in Illprint because I have Game in my name
P.P.S.S. - If Kortez suggests anything to you in regaurd to music, punch him in the eye
this shit is false b! i didnt tell u the shit was incredible, i said "im not impressed". i ended up listenin to it again and i like it a lil more now, but the shit still aint better than doctors advocate. and as far as the name droppin shit, i didnt even mention it, we all now name droppin is half of games lyrical content so i wouldnt even speak on that.
other than that, jus cuz game kinda fell off wit this one, ima still bump it in the whip. hes still a dope rapper, and the name droppin wont change that.
mike, i hope u get accidentally shot for writin this blog....ayo CAM!!! LOL jus playin. fuck this hatin ass blog tho.
time go bump "touchdown"
(track 13 on LAX)
o.b.a. LOL. holla!
Aww, who the people gon believe nigga? Who gots the website? ME!! Which means Im the truth teller and youre a Liar McLiarson.
SMH, the 50 Cent and Game beef is going to tear this (illprint) family apart!!!
I actually really enjoyed Game's albums prior to this one. Yeah this one is pretty garbage.
That joint with him and Common is fire. C'mon you gotta admit that one.
Oh yeah and your songs are up btw
I dont know, I personally hate Com Sense these days, nigga said he's against inter-racial relationships, which makes him against inter-racial marriages, which makes him against inter-racial children. And being black and white, I took offense, so I dont give a fuck how dope BE and Resurrection are, fuck you Common.
But the song wasnt bad at all. I mean The Game needs to commit japanese ritual suicide, along with his whole BWS camp.
What you think of the tracks?
"i think youre a hater
haters everywhere we go, haters everywhere we go..."
damn, let a nigga drop a wack/okay album for once, thats all im sayin.
oh, and one more thing, dont listen to this guy mike, my taste in hip hop music is muthafuckin impeccable son!
Game - Dr. Dre= Sub par album, I mean at least on Dr's advocate he had them producers doing their best Dre impressions. It just goes to show how much of an impact Dre makes on the album's he works on/ influences
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