Im going to go in on this blog, get ready people, the debut of Mike Game is classic. So if youre anything like me, you done fired up that menthol (Im on them Marlboro Menthol Lights, the strength of a Newport, but with an extremely better taste), done got you a bowl of Chicken Helper Chicken Fried Rice (Hamburger Helper grabbed the crackass crackas of the suburbs and trailer trash of the slums, it was a matter of time until Chicken Helper when in for the black community, fuck you Kraft Foods, fuck you and your deliciously racist ways).
Now Im noticing thats quite hot out in these Wichita Streets, so people is wearing less clothes. Including myself, Ive downgraded from my usual Bullhead Jeans and Zoo York Tees, to my basketball shorts and wife beaters, to show off the 'ceps and tattoos (you know cuz Im cool like that). And now Im seeing these big gals wearing short shorts and tanktops, which means when I step inside Subway for an Over Roasted Chicken With Bacon On Wheat, I instead get a Cellulite Sandwich. Which cause enough to throw up whatever I had in my stomach (prolly EnJ and baked bbq lays).
Im noticed a disturbing trend amongst the "urban community"... Niggas picking up fat bitches from Hutchinson for the sole purpose of getting their rocks off and getting some cash. Nigga, smarten up, wouldnt you rather scoop you nice sexy albeit dumb bitch wit deep pockets. I mean youd have the personal pleasure of skeet skeet skeeting on her and then running her pockets, and your boys wont make fun of you.
All in all, bitches lose weight. Skinny niggas like myself arent feeling you beasts.
-Mike Game: King MC
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