1)Hating - I promise to stop hating on so much and so many people. I mean I never look at it as hating, but you people do, so Ill hold my tongue a little more. MC SonSo knows he sucks ass, I dont need to tell him.
2) Bitches - I vow to fuck a higher quality of bitch this year. I usually go for the average girl , I think in 09 I will strive for excellence. As Phonte would say "Those with low self esteem need not apply"
3) Music - I promise to deliver at least 5 projects. I have 2 on deck already, but I promise to deliver the best music youve heard from me. I want you all to feel how I feel when I hear me.
4) Beef - I promise to not get into any rap beef in 2009. I will try my best not tell niggas I hate that I hate them. So if you have any problem with Mike Game, please know that nothing will come of it, but you looking foolish
5) McDonalds - I promise to cut down my meals at McDonalds from 5 a week to 2 a week.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Finally, Recognition (A CD Tradepost Story)!!!
So yesterday, as I was at work at the CDT visting 2008 Blog Of The Year, Byroncrawford.com, and chatting to my area manager/best friend Josh Stratman, the mail came. It was a package from the CDT Home Office addressed to the former manager (no need to mention her name, for she fucking sucks). Which fucked my soul up, I was like "Why after 2 months as manager dont they fucking just send shit in my name?", whatever. Anyways inside the package was something for who? ME!! Thus making why it wasnt addressed to Mike Guesby even more puzzling. Anywho, it was a card from the President of CD Tradepost saying "Mike, Thanks for the hard over the last year and the extra help at South Rock. I appreciate when people step up to a challenge-Jason". Attached to the card was my One Year Of Service pin. I quickly attached the pin to my Aero polo shirt. I felt proud, for whatever fucking reason. Now, technically I have been with the company for 2 years. I left after almost a year to join the reserves and then got a new job for 2 months then arrived back at my favorite place to be CDT. Before I was manager I was simply labeled as a part timer. Although I often worked 35-38 hours a week. So I pulled out the Employee Handbook, a handbook I make my employees read but have myself never read. So it states after a year of full time service (35 plus hours a week) an employee is eligible for 5 days PAID VACATION. So I am going to fight for the vacation. Though not considered full time, I did work the needed hours. If I dont get vacation, fuck it, Ill just throw a fit. Not like Ill quit, I dont think Im capable of doing anything else. While reading the handbook (which I knew I shouldnt have done), it said I am only allowed 3 smoke breaks a shift. I usually take 6 or 7. Mainly out of boredom, for my store does next to no business, which I love coming from the madhouse that is Pawnee & Seneca. I have already predicted my future. I will manager here for years, then Ill get offered a job at the Home Office, which I will more than likely take. Ill continue to hate life, but will hate it making more money.
Ill tell ya, if I to choose between rap or CD Tradepost, Ill tell ya Im picking CD Tradepost. Last week, a good customer of mine came in wanting a DS Lite for her little girl. I had 3 DS Lite's, but they just came in and I have to hold em for 2 wks so the serials come back clean. She asked if I could hold it, and I said "Sure". So they come in today, the little girl doesnt know what shes getting. Her mom tells me "Go grab it", so I head to the back, and ring up the DS Lite. The little girl just went crazy. She was all happy and excited. But started begging for DS games, and I told the mom "Ooooohh I wanna tell her" she said "No no" and I said "Ima tell her" and the mom said "Ok tell her", and so I asked the girl if she opened all her presents, she said no and that her mom was making her wait. And I said "Well, last week your mom came in and got you 5 DS games, but I wont tell you which ones" then the little girl screamed in excitement, and begged for me to tell her. But I didnt, mainly cuz I dont care to remember the shit customers buy from me. But yeah, thats why I do it. I do it for the smiles on the kids. I also do it because it places the destiny of many a douchebag in my hands. I am what stands between you your crappy items and whatever drug you need to use. See, I determine how much I will pay and if Ill pay anything at all for the shit you bring it. Which is why, if any of the people who sell me shit read this, DONT EVER EVER EVER tell me some sort of sad story or how much you need to do whatever. Because thats mean I start marking shit way the fuck down. Just out of spite. Say what you want bout my life rappers. Theres some of us who dont work 9 to 5's because music has been very kind to them (or in Stephon's case are just douchebags who sponge of they girls mom), theres others that have to work. Thing is, my job is better than yours. Cuz most of you niggas work fast food still, rapping in the back was the fries cook. I on the otherhand I AM THE BOSS!!!
Ill tell ya, if I to choose between rap or CD Tradepost, Ill tell ya Im picking CD Tradepost. Last week, a good customer of mine came in wanting a DS Lite for her little girl. I had 3 DS Lite's, but they just came in and I have to hold em for 2 wks so the serials come back clean. She asked if I could hold it, and I said "Sure". So they come in today, the little girl doesnt know what shes getting. Her mom tells me "Go grab it", so I head to the back, and ring up the DS Lite. The little girl just went crazy. She was all happy and excited. But started begging for DS games, and I told the mom "Ooooohh I wanna tell her" she said "No no" and I said "Ima tell her" and the mom said "Ok tell her", and so I asked the girl if she opened all her presents, she said no and that her mom was making her wait. And I said "Well, last week your mom came in and got you 5 DS games, but I wont tell you which ones" then the little girl screamed in excitement, and begged for me to tell her. But I didnt, mainly cuz I dont care to remember the shit customers buy from me. But yeah, thats why I do it. I do it for the smiles on the kids. I also do it because it places the destiny of many a douchebag in my hands. I am what stands between you your crappy items and whatever drug you need to use. See, I determine how much I will pay and if Ill pay anything at all for the shit you bring it. Which is why, if any of the people who sell me shit read this, DONT EVER EVER EVER tell me some sort of sad story or how much you need to do whatever. Because thats mean I start marking shit way the fuck down. Just out of spite. Say what you want bout my life rappers. Theres some of us who dont work 9 to 5's because music has been very kind to them (or in Stephon's case are just douchebags who sponge of they girls mom), theres others that have to work. Thing is, my job is better than yours. Cuz most of you niggas work fast food still, rapping in the back was the fries cook. I on the otherhand I AM THE BOSS!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Im Going To Do It, Mike Game Is Getting Deeeeeeep
So this weekend, I did some recording for "Before I Embarass Myself" (aka the greatest thing Ive ever done). And my original intentions was to finish what I started on "Reckless Abandon" and take it further to the left. "Reckless Abandon" wasnt the typical mixtape from these parts, it was just different. I just did what I felt on every song. I didnt really make any buzz singles or street bangers if you will. I just tried my best to deliver just nice raps. Songs on the mixtape like "Girl", "Rap Alone", "Big Dreams" and "Say Hello" were glimpses into my life outside of being a rapper. Something I feel no one really gets into. And if they do its them macking hoes or hustling, which I know isnt these other guys day to day life. As of now Im split, Ive got 8 songs in one direction and 6 in another. The first 8 were more lighthearted affairs, where I through caution to the wind and had fun with rapping. The other 6 though were depressing to say the very least. Its more in the vain of Atmosphere than anything else Ive done. "Foolish Games" and "Perfect Present-tense" are soaked with raw emotion from my dealings with relationships. I leaked "Birds Must Fly" a month or so ago and it dealt with my emotional state after my granda died and me n my girl broke up all in the same week. And you know what, raw emotion is what this Wichita scene Im in is missing. No one really examines their innerselves and reflect it on record. Why? Because I guess its not cool. Its not manly to do such. But Im doing it. Mike Game does "emo-rap" if you will. In March, Before I Embarass Myself drops, and the month before I will release all this other stuff. Get to know me, because you and I live the same life.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Greatest Rap Duos
I think Ima do a lil blog on my favorite rap duos, since Ive been apart of a few like GNC (Game n Ceza) Gold Card Gang (Mike Game n Yolie) and Illprint (Mike Game n K Sleep)
1) Little Brother
They just got this ill chemistry that just always works, like on the Listening, Pooh was clearly not as good as Phonte, but Pooh used the props Phonte was getting and hate he was receiving and just improved, fast forward to last years GetBack, and in my opinion, Rapper Big Pooh had the better verses on half the album.
2) Phife Dawg & Q Tip (Tribe Called Quest)
Now the first ATCQ album (Peoples Instinctive Travels....) was basically a Q Tip solo, I really dont know any songs that Phife was on. But what makes this group special is the same thing that makes me n Sleep special, the balance of two extremes. Phife Digg is always amp'd up excited and loud (like Mike Game), but Q Tip is mellow cool and calm (like K Sleep), and the mix of em its just remarkable. The tag teams they ran on songs like "Check The Rhime" "Electric Relaxation" "Hot Sex On A Platter", was just ill.
I personally do not like EPMD, I dont hate em, I just dont like alot of shit they do, but this is on here for Sleep, cuz I know he'll read this and bitch cuz they arent on it.
4) Capone-N-Norega (CNN, bitch!!)
WHOA!!! I really cant talk bout how much CNN really shaped the way me n Sleep approach this shit. The War Report is a classic album, Nore just comes with a lighthearted way of telling these street tales, but Capone, that nigga just keeps it real. They new album Channel 10 drops next month, I will be owning it
5) Mobb Deep
Besides the Wu Tang Clan, Mobb Deep is just my favorite rap group ever. They just stay grimey and stay New York. I own every album from Juvenile Hell to Blood Money, got all 3 Prodigy solos and the Havoc solo. Havoc beats just give Prodigy the perfect landscape for street naratives. Then when you throw Alchemist in, its just mayhem all around. Though they have fallen off some (and by they, I mean Prodigy, who used all his rhymes on H.N.I.C.) but I still fucks wit em. Signing to G Unit wasnt perfect in the eyes of the fans, but these dudes been doing it for awhile and it was good to get that big mainstream exposure. But from Juvenile Hell to Murda Muzik, Prodigy >>>>> Havoc, Infamy to Blood Money Prodigy <<<< Havoc
Honorable Mention :
Illprint (Mike Game n K Sleep)
We're just fucking dope
1) Little Brother
They just got this ill chemistry that just always works, like on the Listening, Pooh was clearly not as good as Phonte, but Pooh used the props Phonte was getting and hate he was receiving and just improved, fast forward to last years GetBack, and in my opinion, Rapper Big Pooh had the better verses on half the album.
2) Phife Dawg & Q Tip (Tribe Called Quest)
Now the first ATCQ album (Peoples Instinctive Travels....) was basically a Q Tip solo, I really dont know any songs that Phife was on. But what makes this group special is the same thing that makes me n Sleep special, the balance of two extremes. Phife Digg is always amp'd up excited and loud (like Mike Game), but Q Tip is mellow cool and calm (like K Sleep), and the mix of em its just remarkable. The tag teams they ran on songs like "Check The Rhime" "Electric Relaxation" "Hot Sex On A Platter", was just ill.
I personally do not like EPMD, I dont hate em, I just dont like alot of shit they do, but this is on here for Sleep, cuz I know he'll read this and bitch cuz they arent on it.
4) Capone-N-Norega (CNN, bitch!!)
WHOA!!! I really cant talk bout how much CNN really shaped the way me n Sleep approach this shit. The War Report is a classic album, Nore just comes with a lighthearted way of telling these street tales, but Capone, that nigga just keeps it real. They new album Channel 10 drops next month, I will be owning it
5) Mobb Deep
Besides the Wu Tang Clan, Mobb Deep is just my favorite rap group ever. They just stay grimey and stay New York. I own every album from Juvenile Hell to Blood Money, got all 3 Prodigy solos and the Havoc solo. Havoc beats just give Prodigy the perfect landscape for street naratives. Then when you throw Alchemist in, its just mayhem all around. Though they have fallen off some (and by they, I mean Prodigy, who used all his rhymes on H.N.I.C.) but I still fucks wit em. Signing to G Unit wasnt perfect in the eyes of the fans, but these dudes been doing it for awhile and it was good to get that big mainstream exposure. But from Juvenile Hell to Murda Muzik, Prodigy >>>>> Havoc, Infamy to Blood Money Prodigy <<<< Havoc
Honorable Mention :
Illprint (Mike Game n K Sleep)
We're just fucking dope
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
This Life......
Is full of awesome possum surprises....NOT!!!!
Today on the way to work the defrost on the Stanza UAV (Urban Assualt Vehicle) went out. So everything that was coming off the road (ice, snow and the likes) froze on my windshield. So I pull over to scrap it off and then it just dies. And then a cop pulls up behind me checking to see if I was ok. And thats the moment I knew the way I live is going to get back to me. Not only do I not have a DL, theres 3 or 4 empty bottles of soco hanging out on the floor. Clearly not in plain view, mainly because mcdonalds bags, menthol boxes, and my Army gear clutter the floor. But had he ran my license and/or spotted any of the bottles, then Mike Guesby wouldve been severely fucked. Also, my "til the wheels fall off" nature may get the best of me. I stayed in an unhealthy relationship until it was clear that nothing good would come of it (i.e. I got arrested again). And now my car is pretty much dead. People talk alot of shit on my stanza, as if its the best I can do. When its quite the opposite. I can more than afford and better car, but as long as it ran good I felt no need to get rid of it. So thursday, since its my day off. Ima go down and test drive some Scion's. I am a fan of the box Scion for whatever reason, so I may cop one of those. Ill prolly lease it, no sense in draining my checking account for a car. Or I could go to the used car lot and buy out right something for a few thousand. I dont know what I am to do. I could also just spend the 300 dollars and get my moms car fixed and just take that. But situations like this, make it feel good to be Mike Game. Because I let so much of life out to the public, that people think they know me, when in fact they dont. People judge me simply by the shitty car I drive. When any one close will tell you bout the money I have in the bank, and material things I splurge on (as far as local celebrity status I can count on 1 hand who beats me on the shoe game, and even then Im only a few pairs away from jumping ahead of them, or the chain I got and never wear, the only chain that gots me on that is Cliff's). I just dont feel the need to be out in the streets like that. I mean what do I have to gain besides making my foes look foolish? I mean they do it already by spewing falsehoods and gossiping falicies thats funny as fuck. My favorite rumor about myself is that I dont get girls. When this nigga and that nigga and that nigga over there have all had sex with the same few bitches. I just dont feel the need to associate with the same type of females you do, nor do I feel the need to advertise who I mess with. This town is so small and so big at the same time. And its really just a big episode of Gossip Girls, cuz thats all these guys do is talk about the next man. Which in turn, makes me one of the biggest figures around. I may not get the love props or respect, but I definately got the hate. Almost everyone who does music here knows me by name and knows my history and knows its not cool to like Mike Game. Which makes me feel special. Because I know 2 rappers from here, who got the same "big ups and mad love" to they face, but almost everyone would talk negatively about them behind they back. Which is the same shit thats happening with me. So thank you foes, by hating me youre placing me higher in the pecking order.
Today on the way to work the defrost on the Stanza UAV (Urban Assualt Vehicle) went out. So everything that was coming off the road (ice, snow and the likes) froze on my windshield. So I pull over to scrap it off and then it just dies. And then a cop pulls up behind me checking to see if I was ok. And thats the moment I knew the way I live is going to get back to me. Not only do I not have a DL, theres 3 or 4 empty bottles of soco hanging out on the floor. Clearly not in plain view, mainly because mcdonalds bags, menthol boxes, and my Army gear clutter the floor. But had he ran my license and/or spotted any of the bottles, then Mike Guesby wouldve been severely fucked. Also, my "til the wheels fall off" nature may get the best of me. I stayed in an unhealthy relationship until it was clear that nothing good would come of it (i.e. I got arrested again). And now my car is pretty much dead. People talk alot of shit on my stanza, as if its the best I can do. When its quite the opposite. I can more than afford and better car, but as long as it ran good I felt no need to get rid of it. So thursday, since its my day off. Ima go down and test drive some Scion's. I am a fan of the box Scion for whatever reason, so I may cop one of those. Ill prolly lease it, no sense in draining my checking account for a car. Or I could go to the used car lot and buy out right something for a few thousand. I dont know what I am to do. I could also just spend the 300 dollars and get my moms car fixed and just take that. But situations like this, make it feel good to be Mike Game. Because I let so much of life out to the public, that people think they know me, when in fact they dont. People judge me simply by the shitty car I drive. When any one close will tell you bout the money I have in the bank, and material things I splurge on (as far as local celebrity status I can count on 1 hand who beats me on the shoe game, and even then Im only a few pairs away from jumping ahead of them, or the chain I got and never wear, the only chain that gots me on that is Cliff's). I just dont feel the need to be out in the streets like that. I mean what do I have to gain besides making my foes look foolish? I mean they do it already by spewing falsehoods and gossiping falicies thats funny as fuck. My favorite rumor about myself is that I dont get girls. When this nigga and that nigga and that nigga over there have all had sex with the same few bitches. I just dont feel the need to associate with the same type of females you do, nor do I feel the need to advertise who I mess with. This town is so small and so big at the same time. And its really just a big episode of Gossip Girls, cuz thats all these guys do is talk about the next man. Which in turn, makes me one of the biggest figures around. I may not get the love props or respect, but I definately got the hate. Almost everyone who does music here knows me by name and knows my history and knows its not cool to like Mike Game. Which makes me feel special. Because I know 2 rappers from here, who got the same "big ups and mad love" to they face, but almost everyone would talk negatively about them behind they back. Which is the same shit thats happening with me. So thank you foes, by hating me youre placing me higher in the pecking order.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Something To Think About
**enters room**
Sit down and peep game, and see Game
Sing the same songs that the ogs sang
Gimme the loot bitch drop ya purse and ya neckless
Im suggesting, that you shut up and have my dick for breakfast
Im reckless, the questions pile up by the millions
The children walk into the abyss and lack feeling
About anything other than whats going on right now
And thats Mike Game hitting licks on kids like Im Mysonne
My songs, get called wack garbage and trash
But if Im so bad why do you fags acknowledge the fact
That I even exist, thats right you wish you were this
Foul mouthed closed minded muthafucka from the other
Side of the mind back in a time when I used to love H.E.R.
But now I just smother my lover in Southern Comfort
And rush her out the door so that my new bitch can jump her
Fuck her, fuck this rap shit, fuck ya homies and your mother
Im going off on a tangent, when my plans get
So twisted and diluted, who would even try to understand it
The damage, to my ego is like the shot that killed the Death Star
Eating cold chef boy-r, pondering on who the best are
Not yal, not anyone that you believe it is
Cuz seeing is believing and I still havent seen this shit
Sit down and peep game, and see Game
Sing the same songs that the ogs sang
Gimme the loot bitch drop ya purse and ya neckless
Im suggesting, that you shut up and have my dick for breakfast
Im reckless, the questions pile up by the millions
The children walk into the abyss and lack feeling
About anything other than whats going on right now
And thats Mike Game hitting licks on kids like Im Mysonne
My songs, get called wack garbage and trash
But if Im so bad why do you fags acknowledge the fact
That I even exist, thats right you wish you were this
Foul mouthed closed minded muthafucka from the other
Side of the mind back in a time when I used to love H.E.R.
But now I just smother my lover in Southern Comfort
And rush her out the door so that my new bitch can jump her
Fuck her, fuck this rap shit, fuck ya homies and your mother
Im going off on a tangent, when my plans get
So twisted and diluted, who would even try to understand it
The damage, to my ego is like the shot that killed the Death Star
Eating cold chef boy-r, pondering on who the best are
Not yal, not anyone that you believe it is
Cuz seeing is believing and I still havent seen this shit
Dear Winter
Dear Winter,
Fuck you, you punk bitch. Its fucking cold outside. I hate this shit sooooooooo bad. I cant even go outside to smoke a cig because I may freeze to death. Sure when its 112 degrees outside it sucks, but I can go out in a tank top and basketball shorts and be straight. Not today, oh no. Had to wear a sweater a hoodie and a fucking coat. Im too skinny for the cold bitch, so Winter, if you could do me a fucking solid, and go away. Wait, if you can bump the temp up to say, 40-50 degrees, Id be thankful.
Fuck you, you punk bitch. Its fucking cold outside. I hate this shit sooooooooo bad. I cant even go outside to smoke a cig because I may freeze to death. Sure when its 112 degrees outside it sucks, but I can go out in a tank top and basketball shorts and be straight. Not today, oh no. Had to wear a sweater a hoodie and a fucking coat. Im too skinny for the cold bitch, so Winter, if you could do me a fucking solid, and go away. Wait, if you can bump the temp up to say, 40-50 degrees, Id be thankful.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Man I Love My New Job...DRINKING
So now that Im done with rapping, I can now thoroughly pursue my new favorite past time....DRINKING
Now, Ive dedicated myself to a new role in my circle of friends, I am now that guy who may not drink too much. Last night, as I do many nights, I drank until I passed out. Last night was a lil sweeter for most nights, for today is my day off. So instead of drinking until the reasonable hour of 1 am, to get up at 8 (well the alarm goes off at 8, I dont really get up til round 8:30), I got to drink until somewhere around 5:30, 6. I dont really know for sure. Because apparently my mom got up for school and took my bottle of Southern Comfort out of my hand. Apparently, it had spilled onto the floor. And I really wish there was a pic floating around of me drunk on the couch passed out with my arm hanging off the side wit my soco spilling out.
I dont really know why I drink so much, I just know that my life is no longer complete with out my booze. And today I am in my zoo york lounge wear, debating on rather or not I want to take a shower. Because I dont plan on going anywhere today, maybe to McDonalds and run that number 12 (I need therapy for I am a bipolar alcoholic chainsmoker who is Nuggnuts!!!!!!).
Anyways kids, I got more drinking to do, later.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Soulja Boy Cranks Dat "Fuck You Bitch" On Charles Smackilton
So the internets most beloved nonrhyming Sonic sucking junkie, teh ghey Charles Hamilton (or Smackilton as I call him), has gotten into a war of words with none other that Soulja Boy. And its pretty much the most hater shit Ive seen in my life. Now, when Ice-T went at Soulja Boy, I thought it was wrong cuz Ice is old as fuck and his fans dont even pay SB any mind and vice versa. But in Charles, I see extreme jealously. He goes on and on, that Soulja Boy makes it hard for hipster rappers like himself, Kid Cudi, Asher Roth, and all the other dbags on that freshmen 10 cover of XXL to be taking seriously. NO NIGGA, the fact you wear pink Sonic shirts is why we dont take you seriously. The fact you bang needles is why we cant take you seriously. The fact that you look like you sleep in a van down by the river is why we cant take you seriously.
Now dont get it twisted, I am not a Soulja Boy fan, and if I was what would it matter??? I dont think Soulja Boy and Charles Smackilton make the same type of fucking music. Theyre both on Interscope, they both of the TI's on their side. Fucking Charles said some shit about SB being rich before him so theres no real comparison. In which I concur, you cant compare a rich nigga to a homeless nigga, I mean really what would be in the middle circle of the ven diagram, theyre black males who both suck at rapping???
What Charles doesnt understand (and neither do most Soulja Boy haters), is that todays music listener is DUMB.....AS......FUCK!!!! They dont like anything unless theyve been told a trillion times that its good and they like it, I mean fuck how else do you think Jay-Z became the best rapper ever and Lil Wayne the best rapper alive. Not because either of these douches make amazing fucking music, its because everyone said they were, so now we believe it as well (Though I love alot of Jay'z work, I believe his best days are behind him, and Lil Wayne, well, he's wack).
I really cant over how much I really hate this Charles Hamilton guy, in fact I hate a majority of the hipster train that he rode in on (Wale, Corey Gunz n Mickey Factz though, are all ill, Kid Cudi and Asher Roth, not so much).
Charles Hamilton, just because youre different from whats "hot" right now, doesnt make you better. Its just makes you that one kid in school who had to be the pink ranger cuz his parents were too lazy to get the same red ranger custume his whole 1st grade class had before they sold out. Wait no, you dropped out at like 14-15?? Began banging needles in subways and park benches. You know what, I know why you hate Soulja Boy. You were stumbling around in a diesel daze and wound up somewhere and saw Soulja Boy for some change and he simply said "YAAAAHHH TRICK!!" And now you have a vendetta against him.
And though lyrically Soulja Boy is wack and lacks substance, he is needed. Because I cant dance with a bitch to some Nas or Atmosphere songs, but when that Marco Polo or Birdwalk come on, bitches get to shaking.
Soulja Boy had made some great points on his behalf, its really not his fault more people rather listen to him than Charles Hamilton. I agree, Charles went out to diss Soulja Boy because no one really cares about Charles. I mean if I really had to choose between the two, on who Id rather listen to, Id just throw in The Benzino Project.
Charles Hamilton, again, I urge you to od, because not only does Jesus serve you on a daily basis, Soulja Boy just pwn'd your azz.
Soulja Boy - 1
Charles Hamilton - 0
Hip Hop - DEAD
Now dont get it twisted, I am not a Soulja Boy fan, and if I was what would it matter??? I dont think Soulja Boy and Charles Smackilton make the same type of fucking music. Theyre both on Interscope, they both of the TI's on their side. Fucking Charles said some shit about SB being rich before him so theres no real comparison. In which I concur, you cant compare a rich nigga to a homeless nigga, I mean really what would be in the middle circle of the ven diagram, theyre black males who both suck at rapping???
What Charles doesnt understand (and neither do most Soulja Boy haters), is that todays music listener is DUMB.....AS......FUCK!!!! They dont like anything unless theyve been told a trillion times that its good and they like it, I mean fuck how else do you think Jay-Z became the best rapper ever and Lil Wayne the best rapper alive. Not because either of these douches make amazing fucking music, its because everyone said they were, so now we believe it as well (Though I love alot of Jay'z work, I believe his best days are behind him, and Lil Wayne, well, he's wack).
I really cant over how much I really hate this Charles Hamilton guy, in fact I hate a majority of the hipster train that he rode in on (Wale, Corey Gunz n Mickey Factz though, are all ill, Kid Cudi and Asher Roth, not so much).
Charles Hamilton, just because youre different from whats "hot" right now, doesnt make you better. Its just makes you that one kid in school who had to be the pink ranger cuz his parents were too lazy to get the same red ranger custume his whole 1st grade class had before they sold out. Wait no, you dropped out at like 14-15?? Began banging needles in subways and park benches. You know what, I know why you hate Soulja Boy. You were stumbling around in a diesel daze and wound up somewhere and saw Soulja Boy for some change and he simply said "YAAAAHHH TRICK!!" And now you have a vendetta against him.
And though lyrically Soulja Boy is wack and lacks substance, he is needed. Because I cant dance with a bitch to some Nas or Atmosphere songs, but when that Marco Polo or Birdwalk come on, bitches get to shaking.
Soulja Boy had made some great points on his behalf, its really not his fault more people rather listen to him than Charles Hamilton. I agree, Charles went out to diss Soulja Boy because no one really cares about Charles. I mean if I really had to choose between the two, on who Id rather listen to, Id just throw in The Benzino Project.
Charles Hamilton, again, I urge you to od, because not only does Jesus serve you on a daily basis, Soulja Boy just pwn'd your azz.
Soulja Boy - 1
Charles Hamilton - 0
Hip Hop - DEAD
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
What Do You Think Bout Me???
What do you people think of Mike Game???
I want an honest opinion too, dont come up in here and just say "Mikes a bitch" or "Mikes wack". Just come in here and say how you feel, but please have an explanation. If you think Im wack, throw some real criticism in it.
I want an honest opinion too, dont come up in here and just say "Mikes a bitch" or "Mikes wack". Just come in here and say how you feel, but please have an explanation. If you think Im wack, throw some real criticism in it.
This Rap Game Is Just Like....
Wichita Hip Hop is basically "Nigger Day" on the View. Like for real dog, because basically we all just talk bout the next nigga. And I use "we" very losely, because I dont try to speak on other niggas until someone asks me "What you think bout ______" And my nigga Jarod from the Legends made the comment that I am a local celebrity. I was like "Word?" and I was like you know what I fucking am. My name rings bells you heard? I mean I aint the biggest nicest nigga around, but most of these "rappers" know who I am. Not a day goes by some rapper dude hits me up on myspace or sees me in these streets tryna get in the studio. And a certain orphan rapper from the Illprint family said niggas only fuck me cuz they know they can run my studio. I was like "Word nigga". I couldnt believe the fag said that shit, when he fucking paid to use my studio, and everyone has to pay. I mean one of my best friends Yolie has to pay. So I dont know what the nigga talking bout.
I was at the legends choppin it up wit Will and he asked me what I thought bout some nigga Marcus. And I was like "Who?" He was talkin bout this bitch ass nigga Marcus Hadley from high school. I was like "Man, dont ask me bout no one who aint important, only asks bout real rappers". I mean real, by you know, niggas wit a buzz, niggas wit a studio, niggas wit songs out. Not some nigga that raps to his homies.
But back to the topic at hand. Im tired of Wichita rappers so concerned with other rappers. I know niggas be like "Homie you always in beef". I KNOW!!! Niggas is pussy sensitive and soft. They live by double standards. Meaning, they can some shit bout me, and thats cool. But if I say something to em back or at all, its a fucking problem. Niggas act like every song they make is the best song in the world. I dont understand why I cant just not like one song you did. Shit man, no one performer is gon make something that everyone likes. I dont even like a half the shit my favorite performers make. Prince gots 28 albums out, I only really enjoy 10 or 12. I mean, I dont even like every song I fucking make. Sometimes I listen back, and be like "Fuck, I shouldnt have made that". But someone somewhere likes it, so I just keep moving. But go to any one of these rappers, I promise you, I FUCKING PROMISE YOU, someone has a negative opinion bout half the people you ask bout. Even worse, they wont even say it to that persons face.
I will always fucking tell you how I feel bout anything anytime. Grab me and put me in front of, hit I dont know, Jaxter or Bizniz Kid, and watch me tell em to they face they shit is wack.
What makes this whole thing worse, niggas be letting they obsession with other rappers is getting in the way of they own music. Niggas will make the same type of shit they criticize other niggas for making. Its sad, its fucking sad.
Mike Game will never break never bend never fold. IF you think Im wack, trust me, the music wont get any better. IF you think Im great, the music wont get any worse. Ill never stray away from what Im known to make, so why would I stop
Friday, November 28, 2008
Dear Sean "Puffy/Diddy" Combs
Dear Diddy,
Dog, you know we've been boys since 1994. Thats 14 years of nonhomo fresh fly brotherhood. Why you gon go fuck it up dog?? Im tired of getting on the blogsites and see your hands all up on my girl dog. You know Cassie's my bitch. Nigga, ever since you caught us fucking in her trailer during "Me & U" video 2 years ago, youve been acting funny. I thought it was fucked up when you took all my tracks off "Press Play" (great album dog), but it was cool cuz I wrote ya verses on "Forever" and "Saga Continues". I mean you left Rick Ross and The Game's verses they wrote, and them niggas suck. But they was hot in the streets and I couldnt fault you. But you know Cassie had to push her album back cuz she got pregnant with Nasir Rakim Guesby, my son. I mean when you and Kim broke up, did I run up in yo shit? When Audrey was steppin out on you with Suge Knight, what did I do? What did I do for nigga? I ran up in Suge Knights shit, and beat up his bitch and let him get arrested for it (you know how smooth I am on them DV charges). Diddy think bout it dog, all them trips to St. Tropez, when we was fingercuffing french models. When we was down in Miami up in O poppin cristal and Rose'? What happened to that dog?? When we sent them making the band bitches out to New Jersey for Jamaican Beef Patties and McRibs?? Shit nigga, who for the last five years been taking ya kids to school on the first day??? ME NIGGA!!! And you stealin lines from my songs for cologne names. "I AM KING" yeah nigga, I want my check, cuz Im always king this, king that. All the things Ive done for you dog, I testified against Shyne for you dog, just so and J Lo can be free. Speaking of which, I know this is gon hurt you dog, but when you was in the studio with G Dep, Jenny called me over. She had been drinking, and was talking all sad, cuz she said she saw you getting head from one of the Dream bitches. So you know we was making out and shit, and next thing I know, she pushes me down and puts that V on my mouth, and I did what I had to do dog. We still boys though. But she wasnt your babys mom or anything, Cassie is my babys mom. So Sean, homie, back up off my bitch dog, I dont wanna Biggie you dog.
Dear Charles Hamiltion...
Dear Charles Hamilton,
You sir, are fucking wack. There is nothing hot in the streets about being a pink wearing junkie Sonic fanboy. So youre related to MC Lyte, thats cool I guess. But if you wanna get into famous relatives, I win, cuz John Singleton is my 2nd cousin on my cousin Anja's side, and Brandy is my also a cousin of mine. But do I ever mention it, no, no I dont. I suffer from alocoholism, I drink almost all the time. Given I havent been homeless like you sir, but still. And I thought pink died with the Diplomats (someone cosign please). And your love of Sonic disturbs me. Sonic has never been as hot in the streets as say Mario. If you wanted to be weird and different, Id fucking rep Crash Bandicoot out this bitch (that gives me an idea....). Mr. Hamilton, I really tried to give you a chance man, I really did. Then I seen that video where you and Joe Budden were rapping, and you had to write a verse to be spitten on air while Joe Budden went off the dome. THATS WACK!!! If niggas is freestylin, you fuckin freestyle. KRS-One will tell you that freestylin is an important part of MC'n, if you cant freestyle then you just shouldnt rap. Im tired of hearing your raps about being a junkie. In the black community, sure its cool to smoke alot of weed and take alot of x, but when has it ever been cool to be the nigga bangin needles????? I like your flow, if your subject matter changed I could even tell people I fucks with charles hamilton. But you as a person, I cant get behind. So Mr. Hamilton, stop blowing Eskay, cuz Im tired of seeing your shit on Nahright. And just go head and get you 3 or 4 of them spider bags, tie up, bubble up, shoot up, and die.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Fuck Your Block, THIS IS THE BLOCK!!!!
Fucking Joey, Jordan, Johnny, Donnie, and Danny drop another classic banger for that ass!!!
The new album "The Block" got features from Akon, Ne-Yo, Lady GaGa, Pussycat Dolls, and another group. Fuck, what was their name. Oh yeah, NEW MUTHAFUCKIN EDITION, BITCHES!!!!
Go cop the new album, if you one of them ol idownloadpiratedmusic ass lookin boys, then download "Single", "Full Service", "Click Click Click", "Grown Man", "Put It On My Tab" and "Dirty Dancing", for those are the hardest tracks.
Thing is this whole album is bout being in the club n shit, and Im sorry, when youre pushing 40 you should not be making your 401k rain in the club
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ok, I Lied, I'm Really Alive
Im back bitches
Couldnt really live, nor could I stick to any theme for too long. I was going to just go with the whole "R.I.P. Mike Game" theme, but shits too time consuming, and if anyone knew me they'd know Im always going to make music. So fuck it Im alive, and kicking. Kicking the door down on the rap scence, nullus. So while I craft the masterpiece that is "Final Solution: Making God Smile", I will be putting out "Hey, At Least Youre Not Mike Game". Taking my enemies theme and running with it. And no, I am not accepting defeat, I dont feel I lost, nor do I feel I need to waste any more time, rhymes, or energy on it.
But before the world gets a new Mike Game mixtape, Illprint will drop some shit from the other artists. K Sleep will drop his mixtape "K Sleep Wins...Fatality Bitch" and Chaos, depending on his attitude, may see the release of "I Am Tha Dub". But more than likely, Illprint will only release Mike Game mixtapes because the other 2 bitchasses can never find time to do anything but not do shit.
My new mixtape though, will be bananas. Got production from XV, DJ Woo, Young Markie, DJ Premier, Timbaland, and Jesus H. Christ. Ok, I really have no production from those names, I do though have Mister KA, VTZ, and Sinima, all producers of the "Members Only" mixtape from the Gold Card Gang.
Friday, Ill more than likely drop some songs from the mixtape. "For Tha Ladies" ft. T Pain and "No Gimmicks" ft. Stringer Barksdale & Jay Da Block. And "Birds Must Fly", my contribution to the new album from Ceza Dejanero. Get ready people, Im back...BITCH
Couldnt really live, nor could I stick to any theme for too long. I was going to just go with the whole "R.I.P. Mike Game" theme, but shits too time consuming, and if anyone knew me they'd know Im always going to make music. So fuck it Im alive, and kicking. Kicking the door down on the rap scence, nullus. So while I craft the masterpiece that is "Final Solution: Making God Smile", I will be putting out "Hey, At Least Youre Not Mike Game". Taking my enemies theme and running with it. And no, I am not accepting defeat, I dont feel I lost, nor do I feel I need to waste any more time, rhymes, or energy on it.
But before the world gets a new Mike Game mixtape, Illprint will drop some shit from the other artists. K Sleep will drop his mixtape "K Sleep Wins...Fatality Bitch" and Chaos, depending on his attitude, may see the release of "I Am Tha Dub". But more than likely, Illprint will only release Mike Game mixtapes because the other 2 bitchasses can never find time to do anything but not do shit.
My new mixtape though, will be bananas. Got production from XV, DJ Woo, Young Markie, DJ Premier, Timbaland, and Jesus H. Christ. Ok, I really have no production from those names, I do though have Mister KA, VTZ, and Sinima, all producers of the "Members Only" mixtape from the Gold Card Gang.
Friday, Ill more than likely drop some songs from the mixtape. "For Tha Ladies" ft. T Pain and "No Gimmicks" ft. Stringer Barksdale & Jay Da Block. And "Birds Must Fly", my contribution to the new album from Ceza Dejanero. Get ready people, Im back...BITCH
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Mike Game Memorial Conert
From now on, Illprint Diaries will be handled by myself, Cazmere Jones, executor of Mike Game's estate.
Ive been working hard since Mike's tragic death yesterday to get things in order. Ive been on the phone setting things up, and I am now able to confirm the funeral and and memorial for Mike Game
The Funeral will be taking place at the Three Angels Adventist Church on 47th and North Hydraulic, Wednesday November 19th at 9:oo am.
The Mike Game Memorial Concert will be held Friday November 21st at the Wichita Ballroom, featuring performances from Young Markie, Rookie, Illprint, Kaewun, XV, Cadence, Madhatter, Stringer Barksdale and performing their touching ode to Mike Game, "R.I.P. Mike Game" as well as their current hits "Could Be Worse" and "Fast Food" will be the Taw Town Heavyweights. The tickets are $10 with all proceeds going towards The Illprint Save Wichita Hip Hop Foundation. The show starts at 9:00 pm, and is an all ages affair. In lieu of flowers, the family of Mike Game wishes all to make donations in his honor to The Illprint Save Wichita Hip Hop Foundation or The Wackness Cancer Foundation.
Sidenote: Wackness Cancer, is a cancer that attacks those who rap. Wackness usually starts with a terrible lyric, with leads to unenjoyable music, and the death of a career. Mike Game has been fighting his battle with Wackness Cancer since 2006, finally subcombing to it this year.
Please attend these events, and thank you for your prayers
Ive been working hard since Mike's tragic death yesterday to get things in order. Ive been on the phone setting things up, and I am now able to confirm the funeral and and memorial for Mike Game
The Funeral will be taking place at the Three Angels Adventist Church on 47th and North Hydraulic, Wednesday November 19th at 9:oo am.
The Mike Game Memorial Concert will be held Friday November 21st at the Wichita Ballroom, featuring performances from Young Markie, Rookie, Illprint, Kaewun, XV, Cadence, Madhatter, Stringer Barksdale and performing their touching ode to Mike Game, "R.I.P. Mike Game" as well as their current hits "Could Be Worse" and "Fast Food" will be the Taw Town Heavyweights. The tickets are $10 with all proceeds going towards The Illprint Save Wichita Hip Hop Foundation. The show starts at 9:00 pm, and is an all ages affair. In lieu of flowers, the family of Mike Game wishes all to make donations in his honor to The Illprint Save Wichita Hip Hop Foundation or The Wackness Cancer Foundation.
Sidenote: Wackness Cancer, is a cancer that attacks those who rap. Wackness usually starts with a terrible lyric, with leads to unenjoyable music, and the death of a career. Mike Game has been fighting his battle with Wackness Cancer since 2006, finally subcombing to it this year.
Please attend these events, and thank you for your prayers
The Obiturary Of Mike Game (R.I.P.)
Hello, Im Cazmere Jones, the executor of Mike Game's estate.
The hip hop world has suffered a tremendous lost, in that of Wichita's own Mike Game. Mike Game was born as Michael Emmanuel Guesby on Oct 1st in New Jersey. After 2 years in New Jersey on the Fort Dix Army Base, his family packed up and moved to Wichita, KS as his father finished his time in the service. As a child, Mike was found of many things. Before hip hop took ahold of him, his life was centered around the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Once, in the summer of 1991, Mike Game actually got a chance to discuss pizza and ninja tactics with Rapheal. In the summer of 1996, Mike Game and family moved to Ft. Lauderdale, FL. It was during this time Mike Game first began to rap, first just changing the lyrics to his favorite songs to suit his style, later evolving into whole songs written by the young lad. In his earlier years he was captivated by the raw ghetto imagery of No Limit and Cash Money. Though the Notorious B.I.G. and Nas had always been his favorites since being formerally introduced to hip hop in 1993, well decides the 2 years he loved MC Hammer, including every hammer cd, having both the purple and the gold Hammer dolls, and going to a concert in 1991. It was just something about the southern artists he loved. In 2001, on the bus ride from FL back to Kansas, Mike Game only had 2 cds, Jay-Z' s "Blueprint" and Diddy's "Saga Continues". For 4 days straight Mike Game listened and wrote rhymes, which lead to the more east coast style many have mistaken him to have.
In 2003, Mike Game had formed the greatest rap crew ever known to man, ILLPRINT. The name stemming from Mike's then belief that Blueprint was the greatest cd ever, founding member Crysist's belief that it was Illmatic, and K Sleep's belief that they were dope. Thus taking the Ill from Illmatic, and the Print from Blueprint, to form Illprint, which was only to make and put out quality hip hop music. Illprint had stayed the 3 core members until 2005 with the addition of Young Steph (aka the Bizniz Kid), his disloyality and overall inability to craft a dope song led to his departure. In 2006, Mike Game suffered what was a near fatal assualt by Royalty Records, but survived. Later that year, Mike Game put down the mic and picked up a rifle as he joined the Army Reserves. The night before he shipped off he dropped his first mixtape "P.L.O. Style: The Best Of The Worst", to little to no reception.
2007, brought him home to his rap roots. Forming the Gold Card Gang with long time friend Yolie. 2007 was also supposed to see the release of Mike Game's 2nd mixtape "Illprint Diaries Vol. 1: Mr 07 Til Infinity", but was scrapped do to the heavily aggressive material being made.
2008 was the worst year of Mike Game's life, 1 week before his birthday he broke up with his longtime girlfriend the Notorious K.A.I., and on his 21st birthday saw the death of his grandmother. 2008 was a bittersweet year in his career as well as he saw a rekindled beef with Royalty and beef with friend turned foe turned friend again Rookie. Also this year saw the release of the Gold Card Gang mixtape "Members Only" and the final Mike Game mixtape "Reckless Abandon"
Mike Game is survived by his parents: Solomon and Samantha Guesby, his sister: Latasha Guesby, his Illprint brothers: K Sleep, Crysist, and Chaos, and his children: Lil Ace, Lyl Wan, Young Smooth, and the Bizniz Kid.
Mike, you will be missed.
Thanksgiving the Illprint family will be releasing a compilation of unreleased Mike Game material titled "Mike's Music Shop"
The hip hop world has suffered a tremendous lost, in that of Wichita's own Mike Game. Mike Game was born as Michael Emmanuel Guesby on Oct 1st in New Jersey. After 2 years in New Jersey on the Fort Dix Army Base, his family packed up and moved to Wichita, KS as his father finished his time in the service. As a child, Mike was found of many things. Before hip hop took ahold of him, his life was centered around the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Once, in the summer of 1991, Mike Game actually got a chance to discuss pizza and ninja tactics with Rapheal. In the summer of 1996, Mike Game and family moved to Ft. Lauderdale, FL. It was during this time Mike Game first began to rap, first just changing the lyrics to his favorite songs to suit his style, later evolving into whole songs written by the young lad. In his earlier years he was captivated by the raw ghetto imagery of No Limit and Cash Money. Though the Notorious B.I.G. and Nas had always been his favorites since being formerally introduced to hip hop in 1993, well decides the 2 years he loved MC Hammer, including every hammer cd, having both the purple and the gold Hammer dolls, and going to a concert in 1991. It was just something about the southern artists he loved. In 2001, on the bus ride from FL back to Kansas, Mike Game only had 2 cds, Jay-Z' s "Blueprint" and Diddy's "Saga Continues". For 4 days straight Mike Game listened and wrote rhymes, which lead to the more east coast style many have mistaken him to have.
In 2003, Mike Game had formed the greatest rap crew ever known to man, ILLPRINT. The name stemming from Mike's then belief that Blueprint was the greatest cd ever, founding member Crysist's belief that it was Illmatic, and K Sleep's belief that they were dope. Thus taking the Ill from Illmatic, and the Print from Blueprint, to form Illprint, which was only to make and put out quality hip hop music. Illprint had stayed the 3 core members until 2005 with the addition of Young Steph (aka the Bizniz Kid), his disloyality and overall inability to craft a dope song led to his departure. In 2006, Mike Game suffered what was a near fatal assualt by Royalty Records, but survived. Later that year, Mike Game put down the mic and picked up a rifle as he joined the Army Reserves. The night before he shipped off he dropped his first mixtape "P.L.O. Style: The Best Of The Worst", to little to no reception.
2007, brought him home to his rap roots. Forming the Gold Card Gang with long time friend Yolie. 2007 was also supposed to see the release of Mike Game's 2nd mixtape "Illprint Diaries Vol. 1: Mr 07 Til Infinity", but was scrapped do to the heavily aggressive material being made.
2008 was the worst year of Mike Game's life, 1 week before his birthday he broke up with his longtime girlfriend the Notorious K.A.I., and on his 21st birthday saw the death of his grandmother. 2008 was a bittersweet year in his career as well as he saw a rekindled beef with Royalty and beef with friend turned foe turned friend again Rookie. Also this year saw the release of the Gold Card Gang mixtape "Members Only" and the final Mike Game mixtape "Reckless Abandon"
Mike Game is survived by his parents: Solomon and Samantha Guesby, his sister: Latasha Guesby, his Illprint brothers: K Sleep, Crysist, and Chaos, and his children: Lil Ace, Lyl Wan, Young Smooth, and the Bizniz Kid.
Mike, you will be missed.
Thanksgiving the Illprint family will be releasing a compilation of unreleased Mike Game material titled "Mike's Music Shop"
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Mike Game's Next Mixtape.....
I know everyones like "Next?"
Yeah I still havent posted Reckless Abandon, so I figured Ill do that later today, Im sorry bitches Im busy. I know I said "White/Black" would be the name of the next mixtape. But I got a new title "The Final Solution: Making God Smile", I know its controversial as fuck!!! But I feel that Illprint is the final solution to the problem of sucka mc's, kinda like the holocaust was the solution to jews, even though that was fucked up the fuck up, and if you are a decendent from dirty filthy Nazis, please dont ever speak to me. Well if you do speak to me, hide the fact youre a Nazi Jr.
Well folks there it is. And the first group of MC's into Illprint's Plaszow will be....... Taw Town Featherweights.
Get ready folks, Adolf Game is on the rampage
Yeah I still havent posted Reckless Abandon, so I figured Ill do that later today, Im sorry bitches Im busy. I know I said "White/Black" would be the name of the next mixtape. But I got a new title "The Final Solution: Making God Smile", I know its controversial as fuck!!! But I feel that Illprint is the final solution to the problem of sucka mc's, kinda like the holocaust was the solution to jews, even though that was fucked up the fuck up, and if you are a decendent from dirty filthy Nazis, please dont ever speak to me. Well if you do speak to me, hide the fact youre a Nazi Jr.
Well folks there it is. And the first group of MC's into Illprint's Plaszow will be....... Taw Town Featherweights.
Get ready folks, Adolf Game is on the rampage
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mike Game n Wicked South Tomorrow Night!!!
I know this kinda late notice, but I will be performing for Wicked Souths Halloween Bash tomorrow night. First performance from me in months and Im kinda excited, so heres what you need to:
Where: Thai Lai Cafe on Pawnee & Hillside next to the El Super Del Centro
Time: 7:30 pm
Cost: $10
Theres also a costume contest with a 100 dollar prize.
Wicked South, LP, Mike Game, & Rookie will all be performing as well as other artists. Come support some local hip hop, most importantly come support ILLPRINT!!!
Where: Thai Lai Cafe on Pawnee & Hillside next to the El Super Del Centro
Time: 7:30 pm
Cost: $10
Theres also a costume contest with a 100 dollar prize.
Wicked South, LP, Mike Game, & Rookie will all be performing as well as other artists. Come support some local hip hop, most importantly come support ILLPRINT!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Friday I will be finally releasing the much delayed "Reckless Abandon" mixtape. Though it did not turn out how I originally envisioned, I am still quite proud of it. I originally planned to have no guest spots on it. But I ended up using some tracks I did with K Sleep and Ceza, and then threw Self Inflict with Madhatter on it. Also planned to use more original production, but I will be saving those songs for the next mixtape.
Speaking of the next mixtape, its called "WHITE/BLACK", kind of a play of mixed race. Seeing how Im both white and black I figured I go into that more. Speak on what people say is the "white side" of me (i.e. Kevin Smith movies, Marlboros, Pearl Snap Shirts, Rock music) and people say is my "black side" of me (Heavy use of the word nigga, sagging jeans, Nikes, hip hop, New Era fitted caps) just shit like that.
Ill drop the first single from it 2nd week of November, its titled "Speeding" and is produced by Rock It Productions, the people who produced "Self Inflict". Im aiming towards a late December, early Janurary release for it.
Well kiddies thats all for now, later dude
Friday, October 24, 2008
Get Ready Im Taking It There
Ladies and Gents, next week Chaos "I Am The Dub" and Mike Game "Reckless Abandon" will be finished and on the streets. Soon after that is the Michael Guesby EP "I Fuckin Hate You". Basically Im doing a Maroon 5, with their "Songs About Jane". The Notorious K.A.I. I asked me where the "Wildflower 3" was. "Wildflower 2" is the infamous song about an ex I recorded and it just ethered her soul. I promised K.A.I. that I wouldnt do something like that to her. But fuck that, its been almost a month and shes out with gettin it in with a few differents dudes, on some hoe shit. Making my 2 years with her seem so much less than what they were.
So Im basically gon put out 6 songs about how much I fucking hate her. How much I regret meeting her. And how I blame Yolie for all this. Blame Yolie for what you say? Had Yolie not been on my yahoo messager while I was recording when K.A.I. hit me up, I wouldnt even know her today. And quite frankly, Id be better off had her existance never been made apparent to myself.
"I Fucking Hate You" will mark Game's venture into another hip hop sub-genre, Emo-Rap (which my fav group Atmosphere hates, but it fits). There may be some semi nice things on there about her, but I highly fucking doubt it. Plus, I just thought about this idea 5 minutes ago. Rookie has been gettin on me about not releasing shit, cuz I dont want to release shit til I think its perfect. Im kinda like Dre in that sense. Except Im not producing hiphop masterpieces, Im just rapping about shit over beats, some original, others from industry cats.
All Im saying is, Im fucking mad. And Im always fucking mad way before the disintegration of what was "us". But this shit just grinds my gears (word to Peter Griffin).
So tonight, Ima finish the last 4 cuts for R.A., lace my vocals for Woda n Ceza's projects, go see Saw V, and then go to the club and mack on some strange.
I kept myself away from nonpersona loose nookie out of respect for a 2 year relationship, but fuck that son. I aint a meterologist, but I predict its gon be raining bitches (word to Clevland Brown)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Whats good disloyal unfaithful Illprint diaries readers. Its saturday, needless to say my ass backwards schedule gives me sunday and monday off from work. Which is cool, cuz I get to go to bars and get in on those sunday specials yal niggas cant get cuz ya gotta work monday. Today was another day in which I hate being Mike Game. Well, its to the point people are starting to recognize me as Mike Game the rapper. I was Quik Trip gettin a pork rib sandwich, some jack links beef jerky, a red bull, and a pack of marlboro menthol lights when the clerk asked "Do I know you?" and I said "Um, I usually roll Presto so I dont think so", she said "Yeah I do, you got that song bout gold cards" and I said "You mean Its Gold Card Go Home or Go Hard, Nigga?" she laughed and said "Yeah, aint you Mike Game?". I said "Indeed I am, pretty lame huh?" she said "Not at all, Ive never met a myspace rapper", I replied "You must not get out much". I mean it was kinda cool, because she acted as if I was some important in the world, and also because she recognized me cuz of a song.
The other day at Journey's this happened as well. Some gals who work at a certain negro club where negros frequent wanted me to attend their venue this evening. I told them I dont go to clubs cuz I dont feel like paying money to get my shoes stepped on, to get in a fight, or quite possibility shot in the face. She asked for my name. I told her "Mike Game". And she replied with "The rapper?" So I said "Ummm unfortunately yes I do rap, howd you know". She said "You know _______". I said "Yeah I know them we were supposed to work together". Then she said "Yeah _____ really likes some of the stuff you do".
Another case of someone telling me something positive that another rapper said bout me. This is what makes me fucking mad. Someone told me that another rapper who always talks shit to me to my face referred to me as "fucking lyrically insane". Which was both a compliment and a slap in the face. Whats with rappers being bitchmade towards other rappers? I say I like what XV n Rookie are doing despite the very prominent beef between us.
Anyways kids Im back to working on some more of "Reckless Abandon" before I step out and get my drink on in my new Stussy button up. You Wichita niggas need to diversify your wardrobe.
November I believe I will begin work on the album "Cashmere Thoughts And Dreams Deferred". Which will be Wichita's first classic album. I see Ive got compitition with "The Kid With The Green Back Pack". His only X factor is Seven. My X Factor??? Babies Making Babys and DJ Chris on the beats. Oh you dont who they are? Good. Cuz youre about to.
Mike Game is the best rapper in the world. Alot MC's do alot of shit, but none of them do what I do. Im also working on the EP with local nerdcore artist Madhatter of Scrub Club records, that EP is called "Village Park". Also got shit going with T Spence from Detroit, Ceza Dejanero from Philladelphia and Cobra from East London.
In the infamous words of my 3rd best friend Yolie (Its goes K Sleep, Ceza, and Yolie, no homo for counting besties).... "LATER DUDE, CHUCKING UP THE DUECE LIKE IM A SKATER DUDE"
The other day at Journey's this happened as well. Some gals who work at a certain negro club where negros frequent wanted me to attend their venue this evening. I told them I dont go to clubs cuz I dont feel like paying money to get my shoes stepped on, to get in a fight, or quite possibility shot in the face. She asked for my name. I told her "Mike Game". And she replied with "The rapper?" So I said "Ummm unfortunately yes I do rap, howd you know". She said "You know _______". I said "Yeah I know them we were supposed to work together". Then she said "Yeah _____ really likes some of the stuff you do".
Another case of someone telling me something positive that another rapper said bout me. This is what makes me fucking mad. Someone told me that another rapper who always talks shit to me to my face referred to me as "fucking lyrically insane". Which was both a compliment and a slap in the face. Whats with rappers being bitchmade towards other rappers? I say I like what XV n Rookie are doing despite the very prominent beef between us.
Anyways kids Im back to working on some more of "Reckless Abandon" before I step out and get my drink on in my new Stussy button up. You Wichita niggas need to diversify your wardrobe.
November I believe I will begin work on the album "Cashmere Thoughts And Dreams Deferred". Which will be Wichita's first classic album. I see Ive got compitition with "The Kid With The Green Back Pack". His only X factor is Seven. My X Factor??? Babies Making Babys and DJ Chris on the beats. Oh you dont who they are? Good. Cuz youre about to.
Mike Game is the best rapper in the world. Alot MC's do alot of shit, but none of them do what I do. Im also working on the EP with local nerdcore artist Madhatter of Scrub Club records, that EP is called "Village Park". Also got shit going with T Spence from Detroit, Ceza Dejanero from Philladelphia and Cobra from East London.
In the infamous words of my 3rd best friend Yolie (Its goes K Sleep, Ceza, and Yolie, no homo for counting besties).... "LATER DUDE, CHUCKING UP THE DUECE LIKE IM A SKATER DUDE"
Monday, October 13, 2008
2 New GSC Tracks From "Fresh... For You"

So here ya go:
"Cant Have What You Like": http://sharebee.com/a4837571
"Them Hoes Like": http://sharebee.com/e223df73
Thursday, October 2, 2008
R.I.P. Sylvia "Granny" Guesby
So yesterday I celebrated my 21st birthday, only to get a call mid afternoon that my beloved Grandma died. And I got the call at Cd Tradepost, and in mid-sale, I fall to my knees and cry. I fucking Grandma is dead. I cant focus, I cant deal. But yet, I went to the back, manned up and finished the day. Went home, copped a bottle of EnJ X.O. (Ive heard of its existance, but never had it, so I copped it. Stronger than my usual VSOP aka The Blue Cap, but way smoother. Which led to me getting drunker faster because the usual "let me put this down" feeling I get from a shot of the blue cap wasnt there since the x.o. went down way easier). So I get drunk, pass out, wake up at 8:30, and by 9:05 I was back at CD Tradepost.
I tried to resist calling my dad. I mean what do you say to your dad when his mom dies? I mean thats my grandma, she raised ya boy during the FL years (1996-2001) but she raised him for 18 years. His connection to her isnt like mine to her. I really was at a lost for words. But he called me first.
:Phone Rings:
Mike "Yoooo"
Dad "Do you wanna talk about it?"
Mike "Talk about what?" (as if I didnt know)
Dad "Grandma"
Mike "No, not really, nah"
Dad "Ok, did you get my card?"
Mike "Yeah about that, that gift card only had 14 bucks on it"
Dad "I paid for 25"
Mike "Yeah I know, but there was monthly charge of 4 bucks since you bout it in september and today is now october, and when I bought that T.I. cd, the cd was 10 but the card took up a 3 dollar spending fee"
Dad ::laughs:: "Fuck, Id have been better off just giving you the money"
Mike "Or buying me ProTools like we agreed"
Dad "I got a feeling if I get you that ProTools you wont use it, like that bike I bought you"
Mike "Dad, that was in fucking 9th grade, and 3 months later I bought that car, the fuck Ima ride a bike for?"
Dad "Im just saying, you and your sister got a thing for asking for shit and not using it, like that GameCube I bought her"
Mike "Dad, ProTools is the industry standard, Ill use it for recording, and you know Im always recording. Plus, I can charge bullshit ass wannabe rappers 40 bucks an hour to record their shitty music"
Dad "Do I get a piece of that ?"
Mike "Who the are you Tony Soprano, fuck outta here (in Mobster voice)"
Dad ::laughs:: "Alright, we'll talk on that later, go to your moms"
Mike "I was already there, shes fucking up again, and I cant understand the fuck shes saying"
Dad "Hmm, well Ill call her, Ill call you later with the details"
Mike "For sho"
Dad "Later"
Mike "Laaaaate"
And yes, thats how I really talk to my dad, in fact thats how I talk to everyone
Me n my dad basically spoke as if this were last week and my grandma was still around. And it kills me, I havent seen my grandma since my high school graduation. Which was 2 and a half years ago. And before that? I saw her 2 years after we left FL. So all in all, I saw my grandparents, twice in the last 6 years Ive fucking lived in Wichita. And now, Ill never see my grandma again, ever. And it hurts way more than anything. I mean I know my friends lose family members they see everyday, and it sucks. But to lose someone close that you havent seen in years is devastating to say the least.
On top of that, I have to work. Why? Cuz you dont work you dont eat. Sure I got a stack saved away for a rainy day. And this is day thats not good, but I cant miss work. I need to find a new apt. I got legal fees to pay. Major shit.
I loved my grandma, she was my fucking 6th grade math teacher, and it sucked bad. Then in 7th grade, Im chillin and shit. Doing work on some street football. She comes through in the 99 green caravan and told me my mom n my sis (T Gues!!) to pack a weeks worth of clothes. So we did. And for what?! To go to fucking disney world. Now that may sound cool. But nigga I was 13, the fuck I wanted with a Disney World?! Plus we only went to Epcot and Magic Kingdom, only the gayest parts of Disney World. But it was a week vacation from the ghetto, so I was down.
Dont get it twisted. Dont let my stories of Busch Gardens, Disney World, and Florida Keys trips fool you. My family was fucking poor, and we lived in the ghetto. My grandparents would swoop in from time to time to show us the better side, but once that was over, back to the ghetto we go.
Plus, I got yelled at the whole trip because of the contents of my backpack: Source Magazine, XXL Magazine, Vibe Magazine (pretty much the shit I have now), my rhymebook, my cd player, WW(E)F Magazine, and my Triple H and Undertake Figures. Which cds? Fuck. This was 99-00? So prolly Lights Out, 400 Degreez, and Hard Knock Life. (I say it all the time, it wasnt til 01 that I become the hiphop head I am today. I mean Ive been down with hip hop since I was 5, its just that I was usually rocking whatever MTV, BET, and that nigga 3 grades higher than I told me was hot).
She found my rhymebook, and beat me with her shoe. And my grandma wasnt your typical hood grandma. Nigga you ever been hit with a Gucci flat? That shit is insulting on so many levels. Yes, my grandma loved to shop, and she fucking had a masters in education and shit. So, she could afford to pop tags. She also loved Doral cigerettes and Bingo. Fuck I remeber when I was 11 and was having a terrible asthma attack. Her and my mom drive to the hospital, smoking the whole way there. It was terrible.
But my grandma loved me and T Gues, no doubt. At times she was selfish, but she was an only child, and worked hard to get her what she wanted, so fuck whoever had a problem. But she'd always show major love on them bdays and Christmas. Take us out to Macy's to get our gear right for Easter. Always let you supersize at McDonalds, though she knew you wouldnt eat nowhere near all of it. She even let me eat cookies and shit for breakfast, but then bring out said shoe. She'll tell you No only one time, if you go against that, you got the shoe. Or tv remote. Or a math book. I FUCKING MATH BOOK NIGGA!!!
So, sunday Ill be flying down to FL for the Funeral, and seeing my Gramps. Since Im 21, and my gramps is an alkie (albeit, a retired responsible alkie) we'll prolly be getting drunk together, crying and shit.
Thing is, my dad is moving my gramps up from Florida to live with him and my mom. And my dad and my Aunt Gina (his sister) dont wanna sell the house. They want someone from the family to live there. And T Gues is in college. So they want me to take the house. Im considering it. Ive missed FL so much for the the longest, you dont even know. But I'd have to start from scratch. And more than likely leave Illprint behind. ITs a 3 bedroom house, but I doubt anyone wants to move away from they family. Ill be there by myself. Maybe link up with some local rap group there I know.
Anyways, back to slangin all access cards, and paying people for their shit.
I tried to resist calling my dad. I mean what do you say to your dad when his mom dies? I mean thats my grandma, she raised ya boy during the FL years (1996-2001) but she raised him for 18 years. His connection to her isnt like mine to her. I really was at a lost for words. But he called me first.
:Phone Rings:
Mike "Yoooo"
Dad "Do you wanna talk about it?"
Mike "Talk about what?" (as if I didnt know)
Dad "Grandma"
Mike "No, not really, nah"
Dad "Ok, did you get my card?"
Mike "Yeah about that, that gift card only had 14 bucks on it"
Dad "I paid for 25"
Mike "Yeah I know, but there was monthly charge of 4 bucks since you bout it in september and today is now october, and when I bought that T.I. cd, the cd was 10 but the card took up a 3 dollar spending fee"
Dad ::laughs:: "Fuck, Id have been better off just giving you the money"
Mike "Or buying me ProTools like we agreed"
Dad "I got a feeling if I get you that ProTools you wont use it, like that bike I bought you"
Mike "Dad, that was in fucking 9th grade, and 3 months later I bought that car, the fuck Ima ride a bike for?"
Dad "Im just saying, you and your sister got a thing for asking for shit and not using it, like that GameCube I bought her"
Mike "Dad, ProTools is the industry standard, Ill use it for recording, and you know Im always recording. Plus, I can charge bullshit ass wannabe rappers 40 bucks an hour to record their shitty music"
Dad "Do I get a piece of that ?"
Mike "Who the are you Tony Soprano, fuck outta here (in Mobster voice)"
Dad ::laughs:: "Alright, we'll talk on that later, go to your moms"
Mike "I was already there, shes fucking up again, and I cant understand the fuck shes saying"
Dad "Hmm, well Ill call her, Ill call you later with the details"
Mike "For sho"
Dad "Later"
Mike "Laaaaate"
And yes, thats how I really talk to my dad, in fact thats how I talk to everyone
Me n my dad basically spoke as if this were last week and my grandma was still around. And it kills me, I havent seen my grandma since my high school graduation. Which was 2 and a half years ago. And before that? I saw her 2 years after we left FL. So all in all, I saw my grandparents, twice in the last 6 years Ive fucking lived in Wichita. And now, Ill never see my grandma again, ever. And it hurts way more than anything. I mean I know my friends lose family members they see everyday, and it sucks. But to lose someone close that you havent seen in years is devastating to say the least.
On top of that, I have to work. Why? Cuz you dont work you dont eat. Sure I got a stack saved away for a rainy day. And this is day thats not good, but I cant miss work. I need to find a new apt. I got legal fees to pay. Major shit.
I loved my grandma, she was my fucking 6th grade math teacher, and it sucked bad. Then in 7th grade, Im chillin and shit. Doing work on some street football. She comes through in the 99 green caravan and told me my mom n my sis (T Gues!!) to pack a weeks worth of clothes. So we did. And for what?! To go to fucking disney world. Now that may sound cool. But nigga I was 13, the fuck I wanted with a Disney World?! Plus we only went to Epcot and Magic Kingdom, only the gayest parts of Disney World. But it was a week vacation from the ghetto, so I was down.
Dont get it twisted. Dont let my stories of Busch Gardens, Disney World, and Florida Keys trips fool you. My family was fucking poor, and we lived in the ghetto. My grandparents would swoop in from time to time to show us the better side, but once that was over, back to the ghetto we go.
Plus, I got yelled at the whole trip because of the contents of my backpack: Source Magazine, XXL Magazine, Vibe Magazine (pretty much the shit I have now), my rhymebook, my cd player, WW(E)F Magazine, and my Triple H and Undertake Figures. Which cds? Fuck. This was 99-00? So prolly Lights Out, 400 Degreez, and Hard Knock Life. (I say it all the time, it wasnt til 01 that I become the hiphop head I am today. I mean Ive been down with hip hop since I was 5, its just that I was usually rocking whatever MTV, BET, and that nigga 3 grades higher than I told me was hot).
She found my rhymebook, and beat me with her shoe. And my grandma wasnt your typical hood grandma. Nigga you ever been hit with a Gucci flat? That shit is insulting on so many levels. Yes, my grandma loved to shop, and she fucking had a masters in education and shit. So, she could afford to pop tags. She also loved Doral cigerettes and Bingo. Fuck I remeber when I was 11 and was having a terrible asthma attack. Her and my mom drive to the hospital, smoking the whole way there. It was terrible.
But my grandma loved me and T Gues, no doubt. At times she was selfish, but she was an only child, and worked hard to get her what she wanted, so fuck whoever had a problem. But she'd always show major love on them bdays and Christmas. Take us out to Macy's to get our gear right for Easter. Always let you supersize at McDonalds, though she knew you wouldnt eat nowhere near all of it. She even let me eat cookies and shit for breakfast, but then bring out said shoe. She'll tell you No only one time, if you go against that, you got the shoe. Or tv remote. Or a math book. I FUCKING MATH BOOK NIGGA!!!
So, sunday Ill be flying down to FL for the Funeral, and seeing my Gramps. Since Im 21, and my gramps is an alkie (albeit, a retired responsible alkie) we'll prolly be getting drunk together, crying and shit.
Thing is, my dad is moving my gramps up from Florida to live with him and my mom. And my dad and my Aunt Gina (his sister) dont wanna sell the house. They want someone from the family to live there. And T Gues is in college. So they want me to take the house. Im considering it. Ive missed FL so much for the the longest, you dont even know. But I'd have to start from scratch. And more than likely leave Illprint behind. ITs a 3 bedroom house, but I doubt anyone wants to move away from they family. Ill be there by myself. Maybe link up with some local rap group there I know.
Anyways, back to slangin all access cards, and paying people for their shit.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Happy Birthday To Me!!!
Today is Oct 1, and that means its another birthday for the King MC Mike Game. The god turns 21 today, so I can officially start spending my rare days off at strip clubs, yes I will be that guy there in the middle of the day chillin wit a plate of questionable chicken fingers and a warm beer, watching bitches with c-section scars get dirty. But today its all about ME ME ITS ALL ABOUT ME, POPPING BOTTLES WITH CHAOS YOLIE AND K SLEEP!!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
No One On The Corner Has Swaggar Like Puff
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Release Therapy
So Im starting off another wonderful day at CD Tradepost, and by Wonderful, I mean extremely shitty. Its ok though, my life is sucky as fuck. Just broke up with the Almighty K.A.I. she moved out, now Im in the house lonely. But I can finally persue music and white bitches, well maybe not the white bitches. So to ease the pain of no longer having the girl I love, I went and popped major tags. Got some tan Nike Dunk Lo's, some black and silver Nike Dunk Lo's, and a pair of all black low top tie-up Vans. And I also copped a Sidekick Slide. I added the plan to my account, but lucky for me, I have to wait for my billing cycle to end. And it doesnt end until Oct 20. So like the d-bag I am, Im just walking around with the sidekick tryna play pimp a lil.
Today though, I pick up steam on the Reckless Abandon project, after CDT Im going to head out to the photoshoot and get some graphics done up as well as the cover. All this being done by my nig Rookie, niggas gettin wild nice with the graphic design shit. Now people may be like, "Yo son, didnt you have beef". And I'd reply "Yes, in fact we did". But me and son grew up together, and he's like my brother. Brothers can fight and be cool later. Plus in this Wichita rap shit, we're both the most hated, so why not link up?
So Im naming October.... ILL-TOBER!!!
Not as catchy or cool as Roc-A-Fellas "Roctober", but still we got alot going on in October. 1st or second week we're dropping the newest artist on Illprint, CHAOS!!!, new mixtape "I Am The Dub Vol. 1". Itll be hosted by the worlds greatest rapper in life Mike Game aka John McGame. Then some time after that Ill finally drop "Reckless Abandon".
The hold up for the R.A. project was the fact I had got sick, and my voice wasnt right for 2 wks so I had to wait til I was back in tip top shape. Then when I was finally good to go, I fucking got arrested (told yal niggas I was hood, lol). But now Im 80% done with it. Gotta finish up a few songs, then Ill be done. Also next week Ill feed the streets a lil with "...In The Mean Time" which is a nice lil compilation of some of the shit Ive been working. Mostly consisting of tracks from the terminated "I Love The 90's" and "When Doves Cry" projects I was working on.
Also, I started working on the new Mike Game album "Cashmere Thoughts & Dreams Deferred". It wont drop til, sometime in 09. Also in the works, is the new Illprint album. It was originally just me and K Sleep, but since I got Chaos on the team we're moving some shit around, tossing ideas out. The Illprint album is called "Definate Supremacy".
Now without the ol ball n chain, and Illprint's buzz getting bigger and bigger, albeit cuz of the fucked up shit I say that pisses people off, I gotta strike while the iron's hot.
Plus, Em n Dre are coming back out this year, so why not join em???
Im working hard to make Illprint a name in Wichita. I want us to not only be up there with The Bigg Face's, The Royalty's, and the Sav Music's, I wanna exceed them and be bigger. I got love for em, and Im not aiming to knock em, I just want Illprint to be synomous (sp?) with Wichita rap.
Today though, I pick up steam on the Reckless Abandon project, after CDT Im going to head out to the photoshoot and get some graphics done up as well as the cover. All this being done by my nig Rookie, niggas gettin wild nice with the graphic design shit. Now people may be like, "Yo son, didnt you have beef". And I'd reply "Yes, in fact we did". But me and son grew up together, and he's like my brother. Brothers can fight and be cool later. Plus in this Wichita rap shit, we're both the most hated, so why not link up?
So Im naming October.... ILL-TOBER!!!
Not as catchy or cool as Roc-A-Fellas "Roctober", but still we got alot going on in October. 1st or second week we're dropping the newest artist on Illprint, CHAOS!!!, new mixtape "I Am The Dub Vol. 1". Itll be hosted by the worlds greatest rapper in life Mike Game aka John McGame. Then some time after that Ill finally drop "Reckless Abandon".
The hold up for the R.A. project was the fact I had got sick, and my voice wasnt right for 2 wks so I had to wait til I was back in tip top shape. Then when I was finally good to go, I fucking got arrested (told yal niggas I was hood, lol). But now Im 80% done with it. Gotta finish up a few songs, then Ill be done. Also next week Ill feed the streets a lil with "...In The Mean Time" which is a nice lil compilation of some of the shit Ive been working. Mostly consisting of tracks from the terminated "I Love The 90's" and "When Doves Cry" projects I was working on.
Also, I started working on the new Mike Game album "Cashmere Thoughts & Dreams Deferred". It wont drop til, sometime in 09. Also in the works, is the new Illprint album. It was originally just me and K Sleep, but since I got Chaos on the team we're moving some shit around, tossing ideas out. The Illprint album is called "Definate Supremacy".
Now without the ol ball n chain, and Illprint's buzz getting bigger and bigger, albeit cuz of the fucked up shit I say that pisses people off, I gotta strike while the iron's hot.
Plus, Em n Dre are coming back out this year, so why not join em???
Im working hard to make Illprint a name in Wichita. I want us to not only be up there with The Bigg Face's, The Royalty's, and the Sav Music's, I wanna exceed them and be bigger. I got love for em, and Im not aiming to knock em, I just want Illprint to be synomous (sp?) with Wichita rap.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Movies You Should See, But Havent Pt. 1
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
Mike Game's Favorite Rock Albums
For all fairness, I will not include any Prince albums. Why? Because every Prince album is the best album ever in life. So hightlighting Prince will take the light off my other favorite bands and albums. Because Prince is my #1 artist of all time. Moreso than myself, Nirvana, and Ghostface Killah. And if anyone knew me, theyd know that Im saying alot in that statement

Nirvana - Nevermind
Now I know alot of people love Nirvana's Nevermind. Its quite cliche' to actually like this album. But fuck it, Im just a casual rock fan. I spend my days and nights head nodding to 808's and dj scratches. So itll take alot for me to steer away from my hip hop roots. But this album just gets me. This is the album thatll base my album around. Sure, we all love "Smells Like Teen Spirit". But cuts like "In Bloom" "Breed, and "Lithium" will grab me and ill be gone into a world of flannel shirts and dusty converses. But the somber "Something In The Way" just chills my bones. I kinda feel exactly how he felt. Who? The nigga the songs about. Kurt Cobain can grip you like that.
The Killers - Hot Fuss
Now, I cant really describe my emotions about this album totally. This is my shit. Everytime Im at the ol' CDT, and this comes in, it goes directly into the player. I dont know why, but rock albums have a better consistency than rap albums. I can honestly put this in, and listen to it straigh through, with no skips. My absolute favorite track on this is either "Somebody Told Me" or "All These Things Ive Done". "On Top" and "Midnight Show" are also key tracks. Fuck it dude, the album opener "Jenny Was A Friend OF Mine" just gets you ready for an amazing album.
Oasis - (Whats The Story) Morning Glory?
Oasis, by far, my favorite rock group of all time behind Nirvana. I loved Definately Maybe, and thoroughly enjoyed Be Here Now, though it got a bad rap. Why? Because it just wasnt Morning Glory. I can say so much about this album, with its riffs and melodies. How hardcore I beasted "Wonderwall" on Rock Band. But really I just love this fucking album. And "Champagne Supernova" is going to be the song that plays in the final scene of the movie Im writing, "Confessions Of A Caucassion-Negro".
R.E.M. - Out Of Time
Now R.E.M. is another favorite of mine. I know alot of people wouldnt peg me as a R.E.M. fan. But I am, Michael Stipe is an amazing performer. I love the songs he creates. This album opens up with a song "The Radio Song", which is really about how the radio isnt playing real music anymore, just the shit labels pay them to play. This was in 91, and in 2008, 17 years later, radio still does the same gay shit. "Losing My Religion", is the really I only song I know, that fully sums up my emotions. "Shiny Happy People" is nice catchy diddy, its pretty dope, still dont know what the fuck its about.
Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet
Fuck you and your mom if you say anything bad bout this album. "You Give Love A Bad Name" is the greatest rock song of the 80's. SHOT THROUGH THE HEART, AND YOURE TOO LATE. DARLING, YOU GIVE LOOOVE A BAD NAME. "Livin On A Prayer" and "Wanted" are great cuts as well. My dad used to play this shit in his blazer all the time back in the late 80s and early 90s. Im assuming late 80s because thats when it dropped, and I was a kid in the early 90s, and remember hearing this album all the time. Besides my blackness, Bon Jovi, Prince, and Garth Brooks are the only things I am proud my dad gave me. Not a fan of the long history of hypertension, diabetes, and early-set baldness that runs through his family, but Ill cross those roads when they come.
Honorable mention goes to Gun 'N' Roses "Appetite For Destruction". Apparently Im a fan of hair metal, who knew.
Nirvana - Nevermind
Now I know alot of people love Nirvana's Nevermind. Its quite cliche' to actually like this album. But fuck it, Im just a casual rock fan. I spend my days and nights head nodding to 808's and dj scratches. So itll take alot for me to steer away from my hip hop roots. But this album just gets me. This is the album thatll base my album around. Sure, we all love "Smells Like Teen Spirit". But cuts like "In Bloom" "Breed, and "Lithium" will grab me and ill be gone into a world of flannel shirts and dusty converses. But the somber "Something In The Way" just chills my bones. I kinda feel exactly how he felt. Who? The nigga the songs about. Kurt Cobain can grip you like that.
The Killers - Hot Fuss
Now, I cant really describe my emotions about this album totally. This is my shit. Everytime Im at the ol' CDT, and this comes in, it goes directly into the player. I dont know why, but rock albums have a better consistency than rap albums. I can honestly put this in, and listen to it straigh through, with no skips. My absolute favorite track on this is either "Somebody Told Me" or "All These Things Ive Done". "On Top" and "Midnight Show" are also key tracks. Fuck it dude, the album opener "Jenny Was A Friend OF Mine" just gets you ready for an amazing album.
Oasis, by far, my favorite rock group of all time behind Nirvana. I loved Definately Maybe, and thoroughly enjoyed Be Here Now, though it got a bad rap. Why? Because it just wasnt Morning Glory. I can say so much about this album, with its riffs and melodies. How hardcore I beasted "Wonderwall" on Rock Band. But really I just love this fucking album. And "Champagne Supernova" is going to be the song that plays in the final scene of the movie Im writing, "Confessions Of A Caucassion-Negro".
Now R.E.M. is another favorite of mine. I know alot of people wouldnt peg me as a R.E.M. fan. But I am, Michael Stipe is an amazing performer. I love the songs he creates. This album opens up with a song "The Radio Song", which is really about how the radio isnt playing real music anymore, just the shit labels pay them to play. This was in 91, and in 2008, 17 years later, radio still does the same gay shit. "Losing My Religion", is the really I only song I know, that fully sums up my emotions. "Shiny Happy People" is nice catchy diddy, its pretty dope, still dont know what the fuck its about.
Fuck you and your mom if you say anything bad bout this album. "You Give Love A Bad Name" is the greatest rock song of the 80's. SHOT THROUGH THE HEART, AND YOURE TOO LATE. DARLING, YOU GIVE LOOOVE A BAD NAME. "Livin On A Prayer" and "Wanted" are great cuts as well. My dad used to play this shit in his blazer all the time back in the late 80s and early 90s. Im assuming late 80s because thats when it dropped, and I was a kid in the early 90s, and remember hearing this album all the time. Besides my blackness, Bon Jovi, Prince, and Garth Brooks are the only things I am proud my dad gave me. Not a fan of the long history of hypertension, diabetes, and early-set baldness that runs through his family, but Ill cross those roads when they come.
Honorable mention goes to Gun 'N' Roses "Appetite For Destruction". Apparently Im a fan of hair metal, who knew.
Bon Jovi,
The Killers
Monday, September 15, 2008
You God Damn Niggers!!!
So last week I had a nigger moment and let ignorance get the best of me. A certain DJ, hosted a concert for Young Buck. I said Fuck Young Buck, this DJ responded with a fuck Mike Game. Thing is I dont know the deal with these two, and the DJ challenged me to say Fuck Young Buck to his face, and I said I would.
Thing is, recently my family has been stricken with grief. My dad is in the hospital for some shit, and my sister has cancer. And if anyone knows me personally, my mom has had cancer for some time now.
So Im sorry, for putting my family before some nigger bullshit. Ill remember not to next time. I would have loved to pull Buck's card as well as the rest as these Wichita's peoples cards. But I cant, I gotta deal with my family. What makes it worse, do to my impulse buying and money mismanagement, I cant even miss shifts at work to spend the time needed with them.
So fuck whoever else got something to say bout this nigger moment, Im tryna to be a man and be there for my family. Fuck this rap shit, and most importantly FUCK YOU
Sunday, September 14, 2008
2 New Mike Game Tracks From "Reckless Abandon"
Big Dreams ft. Ceza Dejanero
Then "Rap Alone", which is basically me saying I wanna quit rapping, but I cant
Rap Alone ft. Yolie
Thursday, September 11, 2008
So September 11th Marks The Era, Forever
So Ladies And Gents, today marks the 7th Anniversary of what many would call the darkest day in Modern American History. Not me though, I honestly believed this shit was deserved, its sad 3,000 people died, really sad, but at the same time, the U.S. of A cant go around bullying countries and except zero get back. Plus its a known fact (and by known, it was in a Michael Moore documentary, and we all know Michael Moore is the most reliable source in anything, second to only the Almighty Wikipedia), that this shit was orchestrated. I find it quite odd that the company Dick Cheney is the VP of was also responsible for post-9/11 clean up. More odd that the company is also responsible for the reconstruction of Iraq. Plus, Bush had knowledge of an attack for 3 months prior to the attack. Old Dubya just reckoned that golf and pretzels on Camp David were just more important than, I dont know, NATIONAL DEFENSE.
But this is not a 9/11 post in the way its about those events. 9/11 is the day the TI's noticed a certain camel's drawing appeal....
Enter Jay-Z. After selling over 400,000 copies of The Blueprint the week of 9/11, most of the other artists flopped, and flopped hard. Artists such as P.O.D., Mariah Carey, Bob Dylan, Babyface, and Nickelback (though the P.O.D. and Nickelback albums proved to be post-9/11 Billboard Beasts), did not post up the 1st week numbers of Jay Hova.
Why? Because the hood was hurting too. We needed an escape from 24 hr news coverage on every channel (I think this was the only time in history BET showed something of somewhat substance, a week later though, Parkers marathon). So we went and bought the Blueprint. We listened and escaped the world of domestic terrorism and entered Jay's world of Cristal, Girls,Girls,Girls, and Fucking Nas's babys mama.
Then magically, after Blueprint, Jay-Z became known as the greatest rapper in life ever. And we all had to strive to be like Jay-Z. Theres alot of rappers I know, both locally, and mainstream (**cough** Young Chris, Lil Wayne, Fabolous **cough**) who tried hard to emulate Jay-Z. We all boarded that Roc-A-Fella Train. They were the greatest label ever in rap. I wont lie, I did, and still own every Roc-A-Fella release, all the Jay-Z albums, all Beanie Sigels, all Memphis Bleek, Amil's cd, both State Property's (films and albums), both Young Gunz, both Freeways, all 3 Kanyeezy's, Streets Is Watching (film and soundtrack), and Backstage (film and soundtrack). Fuck son, I represented.
Jay-Z, I want my fucking money back you punk bitch. You had me fooled. You made me believe Roc-A-Fella would last forever. You made me believe once my bars were perfected I had a chance to sign to the Dynasty. You made me believe that I had to wear Rocawear and S. Carters. I hate you. And on top of that, after getting me hooked on the Roc Life, what do you do?! WHAT DO YOU DO?! You retire. It was sad day for hip hop. Then you sell out Dame and Biggs. And then insist Bleek and Young Gunz put out underpromoted albums. But, in all fairness, Memphis Bleek's album wasnt bad at all, he just gets slept on.
Then you come back out of retirement with that bullshit ass Kingdom Come. Nigga you compare yourself to Jordan so hard. Kingdom Come and American Gangsta, is you as Jordan, but on the bitch ass Wizards. Your guest appearences on other rappers records is like the All Star game when Kobe crossed and then hit that jumper on Jordan.
You do anything for any amount of money any TI throws your way. It's disgusting. You still rep Marcy, though you are totally Park Avenue these days.
I hate you Jay-Z, and want you to die
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Yo Kortez, I Dont Think I Wanna Rap Anymore
Sooooo, the numbers for Young Jeezy's album came in. An impressive 256,000 first week, congrats to Tha Snowman. Last week The Game did 253,000, congrats on the wackest nigga I know, and before that Nas did 200,000 the first week, congrats to my favorite rapper. But fucking Lil Wayne did a million and has done like 200,000 a week since then, which is why I dont think I can rap anymore.
I mean, apparently niggers is running the rap game (K Will, I know, I know). And it fucking saddens the fuck out of me. I wanna cry. I really do. Then I read The Source and Nas says "Hip Hop Is Dead was for New York". And then I was like "What the fuck Nas?!" How the fuck do you hate on the greatest region to make any type of music ever in life?! (sorry wichita, I feel always love New York rap over anything else, its been that way for 16 years) I mean the South keeps making the same trap rap, the same "swag rap" (put in a pin in that, I gotta go hard on this gay shit, no homo), the same dance rap.
Then I was like, fuck NY niggas hate each other, and always beef with each other. So I can see where Nas got that. Plus, though I love NY to death, niggas really just come with clever and witty ways to describe shooting niggas. Sidenote: with all those cops combing the NYC streets is it really that easy to pop a cap in a niggas ass and not get caught? I mean at least in the South you got all them damn plantation fields and shit to drop a dead nigga off in. Shit if I had beef and I lived in the South, Id just lynch my enemies for comedic, historic, and visual effect.
They say the music industry as a whole is hurting, which is a lie. All those cracka ass cracka groups is doing numbers. Slipknot actually dropped their highest charting debut the same day as The Game. Really its just rap thats hurting. And really is it to anyones surprise? We all say and make the same shit over and over again. We all rock the same trends. I mean turn on BET, everyone is rocking the same shit. Evisu jeans, big ugly chains, white undershirts (Sidenote: when did the 50's Guido Greaser Style become hip hop? Them wops are gonna get pissed).
Now enter Illprint, we pretty much have nothing spectactular going on. We just rhyme tight. Thats pretty much it, no real gimmick or anything. Just some niggas rapping bout shit they live and like.
Swag Rap, aka the gayest shit evar in life. Joe Budden said it best in the new XXL that "I like his style, he's got swag" should immediately be followed with a no homo. I mean to say you like a niggas swag, i.e. saying you like how he looks, with his kicks, his clothes, his overall look, is to say you think he looks good, and to say he's attractive. Which would make you gay. And really Swag Rap is all for metrosexuals. Like that new T.I. "Swagger Like Us" should be renamed "Homos Like Us". I mean its one thing for a nigga to talk bout his fresh kicks, its a whole nother thing for a nigga to brag bout they clothes. I mean thats most feminine thing ever. Now that the shit niggas talk bout is by Gucci, Prada, Louis Vutton and shit. Now niggas is copping shit out of fashion magizines, pretty gay. So I am officially starting the STOP SWAG MOVEMENT.
IF youre into saying shit bout a niggas swag, you might as well spend your friday nights at Fantasy, cuz youre officially gay.
I mean, apparently niggers is running the rap game (K Will, I know, I know). And it fucking saddens the fuck out of me. I wanna cry. I really do. Then I read The Source and Nas says "Hip Hop Is Dead was for New York". And then I was like "What the fuck Nas?!" How the fuck do you hate on the greatest region to make any type of music ever in life?! (sorry wichita, I feel always love New York rap over anything else, its been that way for 16 years) I mean the South keeps making the same trap rap, the same "swag rap" (put in a pin in that, I gotta go hard on this gay shit, no homo), the same dance rap.
Then I was like, fuck NY niggas hate each other, and always beef with each other. So I can see where Nas got that. Plus, though I love NY to death, niggas really just come with clever and witty ways to describe shooting niggas. Sidenote: with all those cops combing the NYC streets is it really that easy to pop a cap in a niggas ass and not get caught? I mean at least in the South you got all them damn plantation fields and shit to drop a dead nigga off in. Shit if I had beef and I lived in the South, Id just lynch my enemies for comedic, historic, and visual effect.
They say the music industry as a whole is hurting, which is a lie. All those cracka ass cracka groups is doing numbers. Slipknot actually dropped their highest charting debut the same day as The Game. Really its just rap thats hurting. And really is it to anyones surprise? We all say and make the same shit over and over again. We all rock the same trends. I mean turn on BET, everyone is rocking the same shit. Evisu jeans, big ugly chains, white undershirts (Sidenote: when did the 50's Guido Greaser Style become hip hop? Them wops are gonna get pissed).
Now enter Illprint, we pretty much have nothing spectactular going on. We just rhyme tight. Thats pretty much it, no real gimmick or anything. Just some niggas rapping bout shit they live and like.
Swag Rap, aka the gayest shit evar in life. Joe Budden said it best in the new XXL that "I like his style, he's got swag" should immediately be followed with a no homo. I mean to say you like a niggas swag, i.e. saying you like how he looks, with his kicks, his clothes, his overall look, is to say you think he looks good, and to say he's attractive. Which would make you gay. And really Swag Rap is all for metrosexuals. Like that new T.I. "Swagger Like Us" should be renamed "Homos Like Us". I mean its one thing for a nigga to talk bout his fresh kicks, its a whole nother thing for a nigga to brag bout they clothes. I mean thats most feminine thing ever. Now that the shit niggas talk bout is by Gucci, Prada, Louis Vutton and shit. Now niggas is copping shit out of fashion magizines, pretty gay. So I am officially starting the STOP SWAG MOVEMENT.
IF youre into saying shit bout a niggas swag, you might as well spend your friday nights at Fantasy, cuz youre officially gay.
Take Summers Off Cuz I Love Winter Beef......
Fresh from another weekend tour of duty, the god Mike Game is back.
Drill was sucky as usual, sat in a tent and guarded weapons all day. I mean it was cool cuz I didnt have to do too much, but still a waste of time. Couldnt get down in the studio as I need to. So Im behind schedule, dont think any of the shit I promised will be done in time.
I wrote "John McCain Must Die", but I dont know if Im going to record it, because I kinda wanna fuck Sarah Palin. And Im sure diss tracks to her running mate will hinder my chances with going in on some Alaskan Eskimo Pie (ha, get it? well do ya?).
"Reckless Abandon" is getting its wig pushed back too. I am again, not at so much a "writers block" perse. Just more of a "directional block". I recorded some new shit, unfortunately, it doesnt really go with my overall scheme of things for the release. And I keep bullshitting with getting K Will new music. I make alot of music, maybe 2-3 tracks a day most days. But I dont upload em. I barely let anyone listen to em. Im all dr. dre like that. Ill be in the apt. chilling, then play a beat, write, record, and then put that shit in a folder and forget bout it. Then theres the countless open sessions Ive never finished. Ill get up, lay a hook, save the session, then go watch Desperate Housewives or call Sleep n tell him how gay he is for liking the shitty rappers he likes.
Gotta get the kid Chaos back in the booth so we can finish his shit. Gotta get Yolie back in the booth so we can finish his shit. Gotta get Sleep in the booth so we can start his shit. Fuck man, running a label is fucking wack. I wish I could let these niggas do them, but they always end up asking me how shit sounds, and Im all Diddy like that, that if I didnt have a hand in it, its prolly wack. Not that it really is, Ill just be gay bout it cuz I didnt have any input.
XV, you gonna have to give me some tips nigga, this shit is work like no other.
On top of being the King Of CDT. Im also conquering Journey's. Get that dope 40% at Lids, Underground Station, and Journey's. Ima be so fly. Get on my level hoe!!!!
Anyways, I gotta get back to hating life at the Tradepost. Im sure some crackhead deadbeat bitch will come in with a sack of DVDs to sell so she can buy "food" for "her kids".
BTW: If you as a person can not provide for your children without selling cd's dvd's or pawning shit, you shouldnt have kids.
Drill was sucky as usual, sat in a tent and guarded weapons all day. I mean it was cool cuz I didnt have to do too much, but still a waste of time. Couldnt get down in the studio as I need to. So Im behind schedule, dont think any of the shit I promised will be done in time.
I wrote "John McCain Must Die", but I dont know if Im going to record it, because I kinda wanna fuck Sarah Palin. And Im sure diss tracks to her running mate will hinder my chances with going in on some Alaskan Eskimo Pie (ha, get it? well do ya?).
"Reckless Abandon" is getting its wig pushed back too. I am again, not at so much a "writers block" perse. Just more of a "directional block". I recorded some new shit, unfortunately, it doesnt really go with my overall scheme of things for the release. And I keep bullshitting with getting K Will new music. I make alot of music, maybe 2-3 tracks a day most days. But I dont upload em. I barely let anyone listen to em. Im all dr. dre like that. Ill be in the apt. chilling, then play a beat, write, record, and then put that shit in a folder and forget bout it. Then theres the countless open sessions Ive never finished. Ill get up, lay a hook, save the session, then go watch Desperate Housewives or call Sleep n tell him how gay he is for liking the shitty rappers he likes.
Gotta get the kid Chaos back in the booth so we can finish his shit. Gotta get Yolie back in the booth so we can finish his shit. Gotta get Sleep in the booth so we can start his shit. Fuck man, running a label is fucking wack. I wish I could let these niggas do them, but they always end up asking me how shit sounds, and Im all Diddy like that, that if I didnt have a hand in it, its prolly wack. Not that it really is, Ill just be gay bout it cuz I didnt have any input.
XV, you gonna have to give me some tips nigga, this shit is work like no other.
On top of being the King Of CDT. Im also conquering Journey's. Get that dope 40% at Lids, Underground Station, and Journey's. Ima be so fly. Get on my level hoe!!!!
Anyways, I gotta get back to hating life at the Tradepost. Im sure some crackhead deadbeat bitch will come in with a sack of DVDs to sell so she can buy "food" for "her kids".
BTW: If you as a person can not provide for your children without selling cd's dvd's or pawning shit, you shouldnt have kids.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
"John McCain Must Die" - Mike Game....Coming Soon
Coming soon people is the new Mike Game political joint, "John McCain Must Die". Why? Because I hate him so very much. He's one of those closet racist and shit. Now I hate racists of all kinds, but I respect a racist wholl call me a nigger to my face, rather than call me a nigger to his wife when there isnt anyone around.
Heres a hook
"John McCain must die, you know why?
Cuz since were black he dont care bout you and I
Doesnt care about the soldiers overseas
Wants to see pain suffered by you and me
Wants another Katrina and war with Iran
Niggas dead and latins extinct is his plan
Fuck McCain and the bitch that he's running with
If elected a JFK is what he gon get"
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Bow Wow's Gangster >>>> Your Gangster
***I had to use an old pic of Bow Wow as Lil Bow Wow for comedic affect
Well, the nigga Yung Berg got his chain snatched out in Detroit last week. By Trick Trick's lil brother of all people. Now rappers, heres a side note about Detroit. DONT GO THERE!!!
I mean we all like to believe were tough and all that, and its easy in Wichita to maintain that. But in Detroit, niggas just get they cards pulled. Trick Daddy got beat the fuck down, Styles P got beat the fuck down, Juelz Santana got robbed, and hell back in the day Pac got jumped in the D. Detroit is a city that was once the shit with all the GM and Ford factories, niggas was gettin money and living good. So was Flint. But guess what happened when those Factories got ghost??? Your typical upper middle class african american became a..... NIGGER!!!
Yes, yes I did.
Niggers or "n-words" are your typical "thugs". Really black dudes with no sense of responsibility, maturity or self control, and result to chain snatchings, drug sales, and senseless acts of violence.
Niggers will fight you because, well, there aint shit else for em to do.
Now that we got the backstory told, lets get to the recent events. Yung Berg was talkin shit bout the D back in the Chi. Sure it was last year and shit, but if I know anything bout niggers, they got that elephant like memory. So Berg just strolls into a Detroit club, in the hood. (Sidenote: whats with these fake rappers going to hood spots, it like an 8 year old walking into Neverland Ranch, some foul shit is bout to take place).
Berg doesnt even get a chance to sip his coconut juice (you mix the lime with the coconut and mix it all up, mix it all up, mix it all up). A nigger just beats him the fuck down, takes his faggot ass Transformers chain (i think its subliminal messaging, since a nigga who is known to switch sides is known in the hood as a transformer).
Whats does Wow Bow have to do with this??? Well the chain is apparently on some sort of tour. With random niggers in random hoods taking pictures of the shit. Well, Wow Bow caught wind and wants it. So Wow Bow is set to have pics up of him and the chain. Why is this more gangster than anything youll do? Because we all, as well as Wow Bow, knows that Wow Bow is himself no gangster. And we all know that Berg wont do shit but get mad and cry. When anyone of us, including myself, would just punch Wow Bow in the eye and get the shit back. I mean whats he gon do? Go off on another quasi-homosexual triade like he did on BET when Toure' was asking him gay shit?
Friday, August 29, 2008
The Tenative Reckless Abandon Tracklist
So, Im nearing completion on the greatest mixtape ever in life, RECKLESS ABANDON, and figured Id just give a tracklist on what Ive got so far....
1) Apologize Intro
2) Dub-K Is Dead
3) Elite ft. Madhatter
4) Speeding
5) Talking To Myself
6) No Gimmicks ft. Mister KA
7) Shots Go ft. Mister KA
8) Hate Me
9) Feelin It ft. K Sleep
10) The World Today
11) Rap Alone
12) Girl
13) Say Hello
14) Dead Presidents
15) Verbal Assassin
16) Buck 50 ft. K Sleep & Crysist
17) Big Dreams ft. Ceza
Sept 12th get ready world, Mike Game arrives
1) Apologize Intro
2) Dub-K Is Dead
3) Elite ft. Madhatter
4) Speeding
5) Talking To Myself
6) No Gimmicks ft. Mister KA
7) Shots Go ft. Mister KA
8) Hate Me
9) Feelin It ft. K Sleep
10) The World Today
11) Rap Alone
12) Girl
13) Say Hello
14) Dead Presidents
15) Verbal Assassin
16) Buck 50 ft. K Sleep & Crysist
17) Big Dreams ft. Ceza
Sept 12th get ready world, Mike Game arrives
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
R.I.P. Gold Card Gang
I lost focus of whats most important, Illprint GSC. Members Only not only got me in with a different fan base, but it also alienated me from my brother-in-bars, Crysist. He thought it was the polar opposite of what me Sleep and himself built Illprint upon. Just raw lyricism and dope beats. We were supposed to be branches from the tree of Nas, Rakim, AZ, Wu Tang, EPMD, Big Daddy Kane, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, KRS-One and the likes. Instead, we ended up doing midwest gangsta rap. Now, trust me Im not hating it by any means. Ive done the dirt I talked bout on Members Only, well I didnt beat up Bling or XV nor did I put Rookie in the hospital (pardon me guys, the auro of beef was heavy, but I respect yal and am glad to call yal my peers), but the drug talk was something I did in my past aka b.k. (before kansas). Now Kortez and Crysist liked it, but they want more of P.L.O. Style (my 2006 mixtape with me rapping bout my day-to-day over 9th wonder beats), which is classic for the topic matter and beat selection. But my flow on that was lazy as well as the overall sound quality.
Enter Reckless Abandon, what was supposed to be me over rock influenced beats has turned into a revisiting of P.L.O. Style so to speak. With a charged up flow, a variation of styles, its sure to please. See, Ive always placed myself in the upper echelon of MC's. But often failed to show and prove. Im sorry for that yal, I know people hear the King MC talk but often wonder why. Dont worry, I will show why I am the King MC.
Splitting time between work and Reckless Abandon, me and K Sleep are working on the debut Illprint group offering, Definate Supremacy, as K Sleep's debut mixtape "K Sleep Wins...Fatality Bitch".
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Kortez Antonio Byrd Cant Be Trusted, EVER!!!
But Kortez just straight lied to me. I asked him if The Game does alot of name dropping on this like he's known to do. What does Mr. Byrd say? That The Game had significantly cut back on the name dropping. And the first song I hear is the "LAX Files". WHAT THE FUCK KORTEZ!!! This muthafucka name drops on the hook and every other bar. How fucking wack. "Game's Pain" alone prolly sets the world record on name dropping. I mean damn the nigga couldnt name drop GZA-style, I mean on "Fame" using names of celebrities as punch lines was fucking bananas ill.
All The Game does is name-drop and have a bunch of features, its evident he cant make songs by himself for any reason. And I forgot what song it was cuz it was playing in the background as I was dwing (aka doing work) on Matt Hardy as Kane on my Smackdown Vs Raw 2008. But again the song is about Compton and has Compton mentioned 3 times in the hook. Jayceon Taylor check this out whoadie (yeah, I took it back to N'awlins, nooch) FUCK COMPTON!!! I dont say that to be rude. Cuz I love Compton, but Im just saying back when Compton was unknown and people like Eazy-E and NWA were puttin it on it was acceptable. Hell it was even acceptable during the days of the Death Row Dynasty. But nigga youre on your third album. All you talk bout is other rappers and Compton. Show some growth, bitch. On "Wouldnt Get Far" from Doctors Advocate aka I Miss Dre, the name dropping was ill because it was a song bout video bitches and bitch ass gold diggers and dirty ass hoo-ers (or whores for others). But nigga, I swear to god say another rappers name and I will kill you myself. Mark my words.
L.A.X. = Worst.....Album....Evar!!!
P.S. - Im pretty sure Kortez wants to have sex with The Game
P.P.S. - Im pretty sure Kortez is only in Illprint because I have Game in my name
P.P.S.S. - If Kortez suggests anything to you in regaurd to music, punch him in the eye
Thoughts From The Manical Hyberbole
They call me Mike Game, I got the world in my palms
My words is the storm, the glare in my eyes is the calm
Warned, before I spit you the hear that echoing "Yooo"
So sit back and twist that as the God begins to flow
A devine entity, the rhymes given to me are fittingly
Handed down from the Gods, my thoughts figuratively
Speak to the minds to the souls of the lost
Illprint, is the crew the tree, you other dudes is moss
You grow off us, mimicking every image we feed you
I see through, the facade, pull cards and go hard on people
They say hip hop is dead, but Mike Game is still alive
I survived the fire inside the web of lies the liars contrive
Surprise, my reign could never be short
I report with my cohorts and allow yal to retort
Ya lil false and falicies, lies and deception
Step on stage the reception, is awaking those with sleep deprivation
I awake them, and take them, to a world theyve never been
While the others, tell you tales of lives theyve never lived
The negative, outweighs the positive, so Ill deliver my words honestly
Anything fiction will be given in the for of a narritive
But the life I lived is some scary shit
And if you aint know, its still ILLPRINT BIIIITCH!!!
My words is the storm, the glare in my eyes is the calm
Warned, before I spit you the hear that echoing "Yooo"
So sit back and twist that as the God begins to flow
A devine entity, the rhymes given to me are fittingly
Handed down from the Gods, my thoughts figuratively
Speak to the minds to the souls of the lost
Illprint, is the crew the tree, you other dudes is moss
You grow off us, mimicking every image we feed you
I see through, the facade, pull cards and go hard on people
They say hip hop is dead, but Mike Game is still alive
I survived the fire inside the web of lies the liars contrive
Surprise, my reign could never be short
I report with my cohorts and allow yal to retort
Ya lil false and falicies, lies and deception
Step on stage the reception, is awaking those with sleep deprivation
I awake them, and take them, to a world theyve never been
While the others, tell you tales of lives theyve never lived
The negative, outweighs the positive, so Ill deliver my words honestly
Anything fiction will be given in the for of a narritive
But the life I lived is some scary shit
And if you aint know, its still ILLPRINT BIIIITCH!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Fresh....For You!!!
New Mike Game tracks
Dub-K Is Dead
Feelin It ft, K Sleep
Dub-K Is Dead
Feelin It ft, K Sleep
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Happy B-Day Blastmaster KRS-ONE!!!
Yo, I could go on and on reciting KRS-One lyrics. KRS-One, along with Rakim, Run-DMC, EPMD, Wu Tang, Nas, Gangstarr, Biggie, and Jigga, help create the soundtrack to the lives of two niggas from the southside of Wichita, wit wack cars but fly kicks, smooth lyrics, and slick words... aka ILLPRINT BITCH!!!
I remember finally copping me a copy of Criminal Minded, my junior year of high school. Kortez got so jealous. These are the type of hip hop heads me and my boy DJ Sleep (Kortez) were. We'd spend most of our money in high school on CDs. Sure, we'd sparingly through in a new fitted some kicks or something, but we'd spend grips at Circuit City, Best Buy, and of course CD Tradepost. Theres just something bout that old hiphop that gets me, inspires Mike Game to all new degrees.
Criminal Minded was my favorite shit for like a year and a half. I think Late Regristration or something came out that just shook me from my I Love The 80's Hip Hop special. But the lyricism on that is amazing. I really truly wish I could rap like that. But I can not, Im from a newer generation, where things like that just arent acceptable. I cant label my rhymes my poetry or talk bout I am teaching kids, I must rap bout bitches blunts and big screen tvs (thanks Steve Berman).
Im tired of cats thinking rap started with Jay-Z and Nas. And Im tired of fakers. Kortez was tellin me bout this dude from High School who was rocking a Run DMC shirt, and Im like "NIGGA YOU DONT EVEN LIKE RUN DMC!!!" I do, I love Run DMC. "Run's House" (not the show, fruits) is my fav song of all time. But this isnt bout all that, its bout the Blastmaster KRS-One. The nigga who made everyone not give a fuck bout Queens. I mean In 1987, "South Bronx" destroyed Queens, it wouldnt be til 94 when Illmatic dropped that niggas even cared bout Queens.
So KRS, this Bud's for you.
Happy Birthday KRS-ONE!!!
R.I.P. Scott La Rock
The Hip To The Hop, And You Dont STOP!!!
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