"They talking all this keep it keep it real, man keep it real dont pay the muthafuckin bills" - Young Chris "1800Hustler"
So its getting a little too real in the streets of hip hop. Ok, its really not. But now, I can lie about some shit, then admit it, then yal will still love me. Well, pending I was an err "influential" mainstream big time rapper. Its crazy all this new "real" talk is coming on the heels of a blog I posted over on ICThipop about my fellow local rappers not keeping it real in their songs. In the case I was mentioning is that, the rappers out here work at McDonalds and shit, then get on the songs and shit rapping that they slangin drugs and shit. Which I know not to be true. But it was out of line for me to say such, seeing how 50 Cent and Clipse have been slanging crack now years after their record deals and acquired legal wealth. Is it ok for the major labels to push the lies their artists feed us down our throats and not ok for MC Joe Schmoe from 9th and Grove to do the same?
Honestly, I dont think its right for anyone to give us these lies. But at the same time, its entertainment, and Im sorry, if 50 cent started rapping about his meetings and corporate mergers and his budget and shit, I would not care. But when he does shit like "Officer Down" and "Heat" Im all in. But the thing is, I dont know 50 Cent like that. But I know these guys like that. Im sorry, but if were from the same place, and you arent living like you are on television (thanks Lloyd Banks) (and by television I mean myspace). But we got Rick Ross lying forever about being a C.O. then he finally was like "Yeah, thats me, I made a bad decision". Since when has getting a state job and making an honest living a bad decision? Im pretty selling drugs is a bad decision, one of the worst you can make for financial gain. For some reason, Ive always respected the jacker more than the dealer. Mainly cuz if I get ran up on and my pockets ran, Im out the $4.86 and CD Tradepost All Access Card, but the dealer is poisoning people for the long term. A robbery victims life is ruined only for the time being and based on how much they had on them, but the addicts life is ruined until they die. One day at a time, you can be sober for 20 years, then you walk into a party and see some lines on the table, you get offered, you tell yourself "Shit its been 20 years, Im sure I can have a taste". Then next thing you know you lose everything, youre back on skid row turning tricks for a hit.
I love music with stories. Like the new Good Charolette Cd is full of stories, most of rock is. My favorite song of all time in the rock genre is the Metallica cover of Bob Segers "Turn The Page". The picture of life on the road is painted so vividly, you feel like youre with them. Aint nothing wrong with the drug talk as long as its in story form. Like Ghostface Killah & Raekwon have been talking bout coke for the longest, but the stories are so ill. Even UGK's "Pocket Full O Stones" is a story, Pimp C tells you how he got in when he says "I got my first ki, from my baby mamas brother". But I honestly feel that has a rapper, youve got 2-3 albums talking about that drug shit. First album, cool you can do that, you just left the streets, its new to you. 2nd n 3rd album, you still got some stories to tell. But muthafucka after you been out the streets for 15 years (like Jay-Z), you need to stop talking about that shit. I honestly dont understand the infatuation with the street naratives still. I mean fuck. Most of the people buying your music arent living that lifestyle. Its ridiculous as fuck right now. And its crazy how Ill overlook blatant lies of a fabeled drug dealer, but Ill love some violence. And quite frankly, thats from the movies I watch. Plus when I get off of work, and these poor fucks who sell me shitty dvds piss me off. Do I wanna go home and listen to a muthafucka talk about his rims and shit? No, I wanna listen to people getting got. Cuz I felt like killing a person or two.
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