For your listening pleasure I bring you "Cant Have Shit That You Like" by Mike Game ft. K Sleep from the 2008 mixtape "Reckless Abandon"
"Cant Have Shit That You Like" :
Now for the topic at hand, a females sense of entitlement.
So Im talking to a friend of mine, and Im going on and on about how I cant stand a person with no job and shit. They mentioned they dont have a job, which I knew, but it doesnt really matter until it affects me. They wanted an example, so I said that Ill date a bitch with no job, fuck a bitch with no job, you know until it affects me. As in wanted to go eat all the time, and the bitch aint got no money. Wants to go to the movies or some shit, aint got no money. When a bitch wants to live of my funds. FUCK....THAT!!!
Ive noticed that in this 2009 day and era we live in, bitches have this fucked up entitlement issue. They feel they need all this because they have a vagina. Mind you, vaginas are susceptible to various infections and bleed once a month, something, I wont lie to you, I wouldnt want for myself. Sure, guys are interested in vaginas, but most would rather take a mouth. Now, someone will say some shit to the contrary, which would be wrong of them. Its a known fact that the only power women hold over men is the vajayjay. Because in relationships, women look at men as the protector the provider and as a sexual device. Women love sex just as much as men, men just arent sex nazis ie "Oh yeah bitch, NO DICK FOR YOU!!!" then the bitch gets on some act right. No, I guy can come home and find out his bitch maxed out the credit card on some dumb shit but will still muster the strength to fuck. A guy goes to a poker game with the fellas and that vaj is off the table for at least a month (or in my case, you take ya cd to a club during off business hours to try and book a show, bitch hears "i was at the club" and that vaj goes in hiding for 3 months)
But this isnt really about sex. Its about women feeling the need to have shit handed to them, getting whatever they want. Phonte was tweeting bout it the other day, about how he opened a door for an elderly woman and some young broad was lookin at him like he should get her door too, and he looked at her like "yeah right bitch". See, women got this independent spoiled shit going for them. They talk all that independent shit, but yet want a nigga to do something for them. And I dont get it. Ive been in a few relationships and I can tell you what I got vs what they got me. Ex #1 She got some animals flowers you know dinner dates (mind you im 17), what did I get? NOTHING
Ex #2 Got a itallian charm bracelet, a diamond ring, flowers, songs written and recorded for her. What did I get? A turned down KState scholarship, a broken heart, being cheated on twice. Ex #3 Got 2 diamond rings, a house, a car, half my army pay checks, countless sweet gifts and gestures. What did I get? An eviction, a past due electric bill, cheated on many times, a crushed shattered heart, and the possible abortion of my child. Now you see why bitches cant have shit? Cuz they want shit, but dont deserve shit. But yet, I still find myself treading dangerously close to making the same mistakes over and over again. I DO HAVE A SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT, every girl Ive dated, Ive been the best man I could be for them. I was nice sweet charming faithful all that. And never got nothing but a "Fuck you Mike".
So ladies, if you like Mike, and want to be with Mike just know a few a things
1)I will not treat you to anything
2) All dates will be halfsies (ie i pay for me you pay for you)
3) See something you want me to buy, well then start saving your pennies