Maaaan, I fucking have gotten behind on my blogging steez. I know, I apologize to all zero of my readers. I got things to do, ya see. Working at CD Tradepost has left a taste in my mouth so sour, not even my evening fifth of soco kills the taste. I dont have alot to talk about that I havent talked about before. I know, my life is uneventful like that. Still working on my mixtape, it turned out to be waaaay more than I planned it to be. Now its just an epic masterpiece of part time MCing. Alot of people think that Im wack, but for someone who puts next to no real time into this music thing, Im pretty amazing. Buuuut anywho, Im at 22 of 29 official Prince albums, and Im fucking excited!! No really, I am. I live a life with simple tastes, doesnt take much to excite me, but contrarily it takes just as much to excite as it does to piss me off. Like racist son of bitches, like the brother and best friend of this girl Im kinda seeing. We get into an arguement, she gets shoved, and her brother says black men hit women because black men live like animals. Seriously? Like Really? Like Id understand of the cockfuck had ever met me or came inside the World 'O' Michael Guesby, but he hasnt. I mean shit, I live a way cleaner lifestyle than she does. But thats neither here nor there. I just really hate when people make ignorant racist assumptions, about ME, of all people. The "blackest" thing about me is my love of menthols fried chicken and rap music. I dont even really say "nigga" in real life, mainly on my rap records, and thats because I have to upkeep my street cred. And her best friend attacked the way I form sentences in comments I post on facebook. I didnt know I was fucking supposed to bring my A game, I didnt know facebook was only for the educated. IF that was the case, I wouldnt read as many ridiculous status updates that are hard to make out. The dude tried to break me down, and group me into some sort of lesser being than he. This guy cooks at a Village Inn for minimum wage for 2 days a week. Come on dog, like for real? Im a manager guy, me and you arent even in the same tex bracket. I dont mooch off my room mates. I stand on my own two feet. Yes Im black and yes I make rap music. You watch faggot ass Fantast films and play WoW. Girls like me, girls think youre disgusting. I drive to work, I drive to drill. You walk. I lived on my own since I was 18, you just now moved out. Youre allowed to get money from your parents, MY PARENTS ASK ME FOR MONEY. Ive had sex with 34 girls in my life, youre a virgin. You see where Im going with this, bitch? Youre beneath me, youre beneath her. Like I know she has shitty friends who make poor decisions in life, but you sir are the worst. I mean next time you think about talking down to a man of my stature, dont fucking forget that Im a local celebrity out here. And Im not teetering on the brink of homelessness....
And to the brother. Dude I had resepct for your missionary work and all that, but youre a fucking racist bitch. And I wish harm on that retarded baby your fat ugly wife is going to pop out. You were once drug addicted and a failure, Im glad you are serving the lord, but youre tarnishing the image of the faith with your comments like that. So while youre riding your high horse, when that horse croaks and you descend into the afterlife, just know that Heaven will not welcome you.
And by the way, the next person who tries to undercut my existence without knowing me, get to know me, then know how bad you done fucked up.
-Murda Out