So whats good in the blogosphere?!
Nothing new over here, prolly pushing back Better-Than-U-Topia because Mike Game gots a new crib!!! Not gon put out the details, lest some conflict addicted n-word tries to bust a move (a move thatll end in my size 9 black Van shoved up his ass, its cool because I got that waterproofing spray on it, and I rock 9's cuz they run small, but I digress). So things are heating up in the arena of me and ladies. I wont give too many details but my shit is turning into a real life Coldplay album, even equipped with a weeping vocalist (me, cuz im a punk bitch). But Im excited about my new place, fucking hardwood floors, and I can have a pet as long as its under 25 lbs. And conviently my min pin Buster weighs about 12 lbs. So he may be moving in with me. I will save him from my crazy fucking mother (real talk, shes fucking crazy buys them toys and happy meals and shit, you know things I was denied as a child).
Ive decided that since I got a one bedroom (i really need a 2nd but im cheap so fuck it). Im going to use the bedroom as a studio/gameroom/closet and get a futon for the living room. Seeing how I dont plan to have anybody over except Sleep Crysist Yolie and what ever young unsuspecting female I bring over to bang her hole out, I dont need to be all fancied up. Its 2009, were in a recession, bitches better appreciate a nigga with a job a car and crib, no matter how terrible each one of those 3 things may be. I dont know what happened with the production of my acting debut "(S)talker" but Im pretty upset that I havent heard anything in weeks. First Chris and Rhi break up, and everyday I wake up, feelin like punching a bitch (wow thats kinda of clever in a stealing and flipping lines that jay-z prolly stole kinda way).But um yeah, fuck white people. No real reason, but sometimes people think because a guy falls in love with Lisa Loeb and bumps Oasis in the Stanz he somehow lost sight of the bigger picture, that the white devils of the world cant be trusted. Unless its Lisa Loeb, I would trust her with my ATM pin # (mainly because Intrust bank has a thing with giving your info to anybody any fucking way)